It was cute the first couple of times when I had already beaten the Main Quest and had 17 Dragon Souls to spare. Now it's turning quest progression into a painful chore. New playthrough level, 55 and a couple of Mastered Shouts and a handful of single words unlocked. Got only as far returning the Horn to the Greybeards in the MQ. I get attacked by cultists and decide to pursue that endeavor. Except I can't progress any further because a developer at the gamesas office had the bright idea to have Miraak troll after EVERY [censored] dragon kill. If you play on Master or above and don't utilize smithing you know how tedious it can become to kill a dragon. However I balance this out by seldomly fast traveling and having dragon attacks feel like a real surprise. Now I've broken ALL my self imposed restrictions and even turned it down to novice (killing 4 dragons back to back on master IS tedious) and Miraak continues trolling. So I throw in the towel. You win Beth. Thanks for making an otherwise epic game unplayable for me.
/semi-frustrated rant