And another problem with the speculation about the Skills is that we do not know how many attributes will be in-game (0,6,7,8,9,10?) ... 0 is almost unlikely... And 8 attributes like the previous TES no make mathematically
sence for 18 skills (at least for me)... Unless Skills and Attributes no longer related to each other... So many Doubts, J.C.!!!

I doubt that they would take away attributes. There in every Bethesda role playing game, including Fallout, and the attributes of TES have been the same since Morrowind. Also keep in mind that each skill in Oblivion had a governing attribute and there was 21 skills, now there's only 18. I think they can come up with a list of relationships.
O and just so all you people know (I'm going to drop my good nature on this one) if they get rid of attributes I'm not going to buy the game. It will be proof at last that Bethesda has stopped making thoughtful RPG's and has sold it's soul to those cliche svcking, mindless, console idiots, who only buy games if there simple enough for a kinder-gardener to understand, and are just like the last 40 million crap games that came out last month.
(not saying EVERY console user is an idiot, but when it comes to idiots the console crowd has more than their fair share)