Hand to hand can't be under 2 handed, because it can be used even while holding a sword in your right hand. It can act both as two handed combat and one handed combat. It can fit under both styles, depending on how one wants to play. Because of that it has to have it's own skill, because it can't completely fit under anything else at the moment.
You know, i think you right...

So in that case will be:
Armor (Comb)
Hand-to-Hand (Comb)
Security (St)
Mercantile (St)
and Archery returns to St. school... Make more sense anyway from previous TES... So Light, Heavy and Unarmored will be under Armor (or Defence or another word)...
Acrobatics for me is 90 % OUT, unless BGS find a way to fix a problem from a easy level-up just for jumping around Skyrim, and T.Howard said that too. Mercantile will be in-game, whether we like it or not, unless the idea that we can doing business from town to town and ?We can ruin the economy in any city? is just killing all the people in that city or reduce the economics buildings to rubble, and this no make sence for a gameplay like we have in TES...

And another problem with the speculation about the Skills is that we do not know how many attributes will be in-game (0,6,7,8,9,10?) ... 0 is almost unlikely... And 8 attributes like the previous TES no make mathematically
sence for 18 skills (at least for me)... Unless Skills and Attributes no longer related to each other... So many Doubts, J.C.!!!