(riften home)
Yeah, my Manniquins in one of my Hearthfire Houses often aren't on their pedestal.
Here's something for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-wZh4FyrWg
Mannequins are just NPCs that don't move, much. As such they are rendered when the cell loads just like anything else that is not a static. If you notice when a cell loads and NPCs are populated, you might see them appear slightly out of position, then moved into place as the cell renders. This is what happens to the mannequins expect they don't move to their final position.
I have never seen my mannequins move in any of my homes, but I never put anything on them.
I know of the bug and have witnessed it myself several times and it didn't bother me at all....
But that was [censored] creepy. Good show.
I actually kind of wish your Houses could become Haunted.
there did need to be more Scary elements in Skyrim, what more than waking up to your Mannequin coming at you with all the good stuff you gave him?
Yes that happens to everyone, just go the mannequin's inventory and then exit out and it goes back
Ha one time I though it was a real, and im like "who is my house???"
I added the two mannequins to the Honeyside basemant, next to the arcane enchanter, and dressed them in imperial and ebony armor. They moved around so much that it was unsettling so no more mannequins in any of my places.
No mannequins for you!
Haha! I know that bug! It happens with all mannequins, first time I saw it I drawn my weapons! Scary stuff!
I thought it was an invasion of some kind, after few seconds, oh no, just one of my mannequins that went for a walk.
Never had it on 360 but on PC is a different story. 360 they tended to glitch off the stand.
I've seen walking mannequins two places on PC, both on mods but I haven't had a vanilla house that has mannequins yet. Rorikstead Castle has a huge number of mannequins in the cellar, I walked in and they ALL started walking around. ! Funniest thing I've seen in game. That mod not being used ATM
Shatterhorn Castle which I currently have active has at least one mannequin that likes to wander around, whenever I open the door to enter the main hall he runs for his stand, obviously hoping to avoid notice. I've caught him too many times though and have my eye on him.
I've actually had it happen to me way often in both Severin Manor and in Lakeside Manor. It completely freaked me out the first time it happened...!