such as a clearing with a few enemies? a single cylinder tower with 1 stair case? giant camps? random lumber mills which serve no purpose other than aesthetic ...random statues?? really bethesda?... this has too much of a fallout 3 feel, Don't get me wrong I still enjoy the game thoroughly, but I cant help but think that they took too many aspects from the fallout games they've released. Im sick of getting excited when I see a new marker on my map, only to realize it's something random like a hunters shack with no roof. Does anyone else feel the same way or am I going crazy? I almost feel that although Skyrim has some of the most GORGEOUS dungeons I've ever seen, they are more linear than ever, and what Oblivion may have been lacking in the graphics department, their dungeons had a lot more ways of navigating, and each destination you found had a prolific experience which not only consumed more than several seconds to several minutes, but also made you think "well should I go this way? or this way?
on another note, I really REALLY miss ay-lee-ed ruins (spelling)