Hey everyone, I recently started playing skyrim and I guess I got too carried away by doing side quests and powerleveling my skills which kind of backfired at me. I never realised that dungeons scale with your level untill I power leveled my speech and enchanting then went on a side and got completely wrecked by average monsters. I am a level 22 mage with 70 enchanting, 50 speech, 50 destruction. 50 conjurartion and 40 archery. I should note that when I started playing I heavily relied on fire/frost atronachs to tank for me but now they're getting nearly instantly killed also I have very poor equipment and no gold whatsoever. I found a solution which is leveling my alteration skill and making use of the spell that boosts your armor but I fear that by doing that it will only make the matters worse. I don't really want to restart all over. So I need advice from you guys. What should I do?