I think i messed up my build

Post » Sun May 17, 2015 8:08 am

So far im enjoying morrowind but i cant seem to shake the feeling that i am screwing up my build by just using long sword light armor restoration and athletics. I also put my points into strength agility endurance and speed. I dont seem to have any problems taking down enemies but i worry that once i get to the end my character wont be useful much.

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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sun May 17, 2015 6:53 am

Post your build so we can see it.

And if you're build is working, then how is it messed up?

Once you reach level 20 you're likely going to be unstoppable anyways, until you do the two expansions which are designed for 20+ characters.

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Post » Sun May 17, 2015 5:11 am


birth sign the steed


speed and luck

major minor

longblade mysticsm

short blade destruction

marksman restoration

light armor acrobatics

althletics conjuration

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Post » Sun May 17, 2015 9:52 am

If you build for build efficiency, I'm kinda surprised you went for the Steed. :P Not a terribly useful Birthsign for survival.

I'm slightly puzzled about your choice of speed and luck for main attributes. Let's say you know why you took luck, but speed is as useless as the steed, you're not using unarmored, and despite going for short blade as your major skill, you're using a long blade instead, which is governed by Strength. And you have 3 weapon skills as your majors. :P

Anyway, it's not the most "optimized" build in the world, but as Pluto said, if you have no problems killing things and surviving so far it doesn't really matter, the game is the hardest on lower levels, but then your character quickly curves into god mode, so you should be fine. Just stick to those skills you're already using, and you shouldn't have problems surviving. If you eventually decide to switch weapon skills, for example, on level 25 you decide you want to use a short blade, your agility and health should be sufficient to keep you alive and let you hit enemies, and you'll probably have a better short sword as well by then (short sword just being an example here, of course).

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Red Sauce
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Post » Sun May 17, 2015 6:48 pm

My Argonian is similar, but a Scout class. Your build is viable, but it depends how pepared you are once you get to Tribunal or Bloodmoon. Tribunal was ok with difficulty but Bloodmoon nearly ate me alive. That was a while ago, as my Argonain is level 48 now, I think.

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The Time Car
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Post » Sun May 17, 2015 9:35 am

so far im having a difficult time finding a book called the truth of progress for the main quest. As for my build i kinda was going for whatever the dunmar had plus 10 and plus 5 in prob not the best way to build :P in skyrim i did the same thing with nords just went with whatever they had points in. Prob should change my way of thinking about builds lol

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