Will it play on an XBOX360, and what is it I heard about having to enter a "CODE" to get it to run correctly?
~This series is much too good to ignore the earlier games, and I have been doing RPG type games for so long that they fascinate me beyond words to tell.
Like a favorite old set of story books, each in themselves raise questions as to what came before, how is this now, what happenned here so that this is so?
An RPG game is to me a far better thing than a television series because you DO NOT just sit there with your mouth gaping open and your eyes staring at it - wondering what the next thing to happen in it will be...
They are interactive - and the outcome depends on we ourselves.
So in effect, WE write the story, within limits.
* I quit watching TV in about 1985. I got sick and tired of people second guessing who I was and what I liked. And they are called "PROGRAMS" for a reason. There is no such thing as a TV show that isn't trying to sell you something that you probably don't even need or in the end - want...
If you watch such stuff - YOU ARE being "programmed"
Yet just as I have an entire room filled with books (my personal library) so I also want to collect these games, because they tell stories.
In their own fashion - every bit as good as anything I ever read.
THIS is "High Adventure"