I found the story well not that great. I guess I was expecting more out of something to happen
but the quest was pretty straight forward. I also found the White Leggs Like Joshua and Graham to have an actual fight over what to do and maybe each asks you to kill the other, or sabotage something etc etc
should have been at least talkable, I know their explained raid this and that but I felt we should have been able to take their side and help them gain side with the legion in a more direct way such is the nature of the mainquest of New Vegas to side with who you want
Given the fact I haven't tried all ways yet the story felt a little lack luster.
The area we have is definately interesting to explore though and some nice goodies await. But story is the only thing I found they could have expanded on more.
I hope this isn't seen as an outright flame but thats just my opinion. I'll be playing through it again trying different options. but so far it feels pretty shallow in regards to story. I guess I'm to used to the "What A Twist!" kind of story telling but hey.
Everything else the setting, characters, goodies, places of interest I'm enjoying.
The dialogue and voice acting is also excellent but the initial main quest I just find lacking.