the worse possible feature i can think of is already in the game
a voiced protagonist
as a roleplayer point of view it is the worse thing they ever could done
in all other bethesda game you created the xharacter and wrote his/her own story ,
now because some gamers either lack imaginiation or creativity or are just too lazy to read , bethesdda already wrote the story of your character by using a voiced protagonist
Third person dialogue system with a voiced protag.
Actually excessive loading screens would kill it for me, Skyrim was ridiculous in this aspect, even when installed on my 360.
I made a pass then, but no more. This is new hardware, new console generation, excessive loading screens in an open world game are antiquated and inexcusable.
As for a specific feature, settlements / cities not being seamless, part of the over arching world. Separate city cells would svck big time, same thing goes for ruins in general.
That's why I'm remaining sceptical about the lack of loading screens for the interiors of houses and things. If it means longer overall loading screens (like in the Witcher 3), than I'm not sure if I'm happy or not.
Going with a G rated take on all advlt situations and themes while in contrast there is preposterously abundant extremely gratuitous violence and gore everywhere.
Micro-Transactions for each pixel on the screen, and it refreshes each time you move the camera even slightly
Damn Bug eaters, Only a husker could be so negative.
(why the heck did they chose so close to a totenkoph is beyond me heheh)
If you don't know what it is consider yourself lucky.
Kill Dogmeat in the most horrific and torturous way imaginable infront of the player, while not allowing the player to stop it and then blame the player for it.
(Yeah I know this is super messed up, and this is the one thing that I know that would make me not want to play and would make F4 bad.)
Inventory Tetris or,
three different coloured endings that were essentially the same.
I'm not sure which would be worse.
Color Coded For Your Convenience endings svck major