I guess it depends on you're morals. I think it was you that said that the family are cracked in the head and they don't call themselves cannibals but just going by the definition of cannabal from what I can find. It's the eating the flesh of you're own kind. Does not say about drinking blood. Can drink someones blood without causing harm. Can't really eat another person without harming/killing them. So which is worce?
Cannibalism freaks me out...
Yet I love zombie films... Go figure.

I dunno, even if it's
less bad to drink blood instead of eating flesh I still consider it to be wrong.
I'm so against cannibalism that if I were on that plane in the film Alive I'd just high-tail it out of there when that guy started cutting up one of the dead corpses.
[censored] no that they're eating me y'know, and I'd rather die than eat flesh from another human being even if it's for my own survival.
As I said, cannibalism freaks, me, out.
But we all have different views on it I guess.
Now, ghosts.
Since it's Vegas I could see a scam operation going on there.
Say the outskirts of Vegas, there's this house, and a few people inside of Vegas are promoting it to be a haunted house.
They bring people there and lock them in and then bring out the special effects and stuff, scares the people senseless.
The scam people tell them they will let them out if they leave their money and valuables behind inside the house.
The player could go to this hosue with a crowbar and remove some floor planks to the sealed off basemant and disturb a crude grave.
Afterwards the player can tell the scam people that something's wrong in there.
They go in, you lock the door and they get so scared of the real ghost that they all actually die from it.
It features fake ghosts and real ghosts, or was it just them being scared by their own special effects?
No one will ever know.