Yea I feel like the ''We're not talking about that'' can only mean two things:
a) They are in the game and don't want to spoil it
B) They are trying to put them in but don't want to promise it if they end up cutting them
If it was c) They are not in the game - they would just say that (like they did about spears and other questions they were asked)
and considering how late in development that interview happened, id say we are VERY likely to have werewolves
D) They've orchestrated a ridiculously involved ruse where they drop tantalizing hints throughout the game about how to transform into a werewolf, but every time you think you've gotten to the point you're going to be able to do it, it turns out there's just one more thing. And that goes on forever.
Seriously, the guy who has the interview, does he know crap about the elder scrolls?
"I know vampires were in fallout 3, but that was just a perk blablabla -- Can you be a creature of the night?"
Friggin idiot.
wow he said that vampires were in fallout3? and actually asked what everyone knew form the start? i would know for myself but i got hughesnet ( <_< no other company offers high speed here) and i have to wait a while to buffer
i will edit this when i actually see it, then i will make my own opinions of how stupid he is