Thinking about making a minigun master

Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:16 pm

After going back to FO3 and making a big guns character I decided I want to try to make a character similar to that for New Vegas. The trouble is all the big guns got split into 3 skills. After looking everything over though I noticed that the CZ57 Avenger beats the Sprtel-Wood 9700 for DPS and armor penetration. I also noticed that it might be able to be my one and only gun once my character was developed enough. I am sad that I lose the flamer and heavy incinerator, but to be honest I didn't use them nearly as much as Eugene in FO3, and even then I only used them for extra DPS at close range.

So, I am looking at making a character that will end up wearing power armor and wielding the CZ57 Avenger as his primary and possibly only gun while having a power fist variant as a backup like my FO3 character did.

First off I need to decide on a special layout. I am thinking maybe...

7 Strength

6 perception

9 endurance

1 charisma

6 intelligence

6 agility

5 Luck

I would get the strength implant and also take weapon handling. In OWB I would stay Spineless since I don't need more strength, and my torso would then be impossible to cripple.

If I went this route I wouldn't be using a minigun until level 16, but I don't think I would be reaching 100 guns skill much sooner anyway.

I would use a power fist of some sort for weak enemies or when the minigun is low on ammo or really worn out.

I think a few good perks would be

Rad Child (constantly have 400+ rads for +4 hp/s regen)

Weapon Handling

Hand Loader

Pack Rat

Strong Back/ burden to bear

Super slam (a mod I have allows unarmed to unlock this too)

Piercing Strike

Adamantium Skeleton (We're making a juggernaut here)

Maybe Heavyweight

I am wondering if anyone has done this before and has some advice. I also wonder how ammo supplies will be with such a character. I play on hardcoe mode so the ammo will have weight. Without the pack rat perk 1000 rounds of 5mm ammo would weigh 17 Lbs. I guess that might not be too bad since I only need the one ammo type and only have one gun and one unarmed weapon.

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:43 pm

I liked miniguns in FO3 and I hate them in New Vegas due to the audio glitch. I can't stand it. But the build looks pretty nice. :D

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Post » Wed Aug 07, 2013 2:36 pm

I just acquired "Vengeance" and it reminded me of the advantage of not needing to warm up before shooting. The CZ57 Avenger may have the highest DPS, but the Sprtel-Wood comes in a close second. Damage per shot is higher with the Sprtel-Wood and the optimized ECPs weigh less than 5mm rounds, so the Sprtel-Wood would use less ammo, and do more damage per pound of ammo.

My main concern with the Sprtel-Wood was high DT enemies like Centurions, but I was forgetting about Plasma Casters and Tesla Cannons. If I went the Guns route I am rather limited in the heavy weapons department. All the heavy Guns skill weapons fill the same role. Also with energy weapons I can get a heavy incinerator. Those things are awesome for long range bombardment, and much cheaper than a grenade machine gun.

If I go the energy weapons route I could leave out the weapons handling perk as well. Also this character would have earlier access to heavy weapons while he works his way up to 100 EW skill. The incinerator can be gotten early on, and the flamer can be gotten decently early in the game. Between the two of them I could cover both short and long range. The only issue would be getting enough flamer fuel early on.

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