Name: Sorcalarm (subject to change if anyone gives me a better one)
Race: Altmer
Birthsign: Mage
Custom Class: Scholar (again subject to change)
Specialisation: Magic
Favoured Attributes: Int + Wil
Major Skills:
Yes, the last three skills are to limit levelling.
Now, you may be asking, what is so original about this character? Well, most of my mages have used the magic schools in predictable ways: Destruction only for elemental damage or drain health for example. However, for this character I've decided that only original (by my standards at least) combinations of Spells are to be used, such as Drain Fatigue and Weakness to Poison together, used just before delivering a deadly poison, to ensure that the target cannot get up and slowly dies. However, any help creating new original spells, including multi-school ones, would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance
