Thinking of picking up Fallout 3 GOTY from the Steam sale, a

Post » Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:28 am

As per the title, I'm thinking of picking up the GOTY edition for Fallout 3 from the Steam summer sale that's running right now. Any problems/issues with using it via Steam as opposed to the disc version when it comes to running mods? I've played both the vanilla game and a lightly modded one rather extensively years ago but I'm kinda itching to load it up again. I assume the GFWL abortion has been excised from this version, yes? Does FOSE work ok with steam on this game like NVSE does for NV?

Contemplating a FWE run as I never really got into it when it was mature and stable like I assume it is now. Also never did any of the DLC as I have the original CD based game installed that came out before any of the addon DLC, and the GOTY seems like the cheapest way to get all of the DLC at this point. Kinda sad that it seems like I'll have to re-buy a game I already own, but that's the way it goes I guess these days. Anyways, any thoughts on this appreciated.
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Natasha Biss
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