Hi, I am thinking of starting over and starting in legendary mode, but am scared of getting blown apart every time I get near an enemy, so here's my dream character well, I have lots of them, but here's my current pursuit, I am thinking of building an alchemist character, one that can sell to any merchant, what is the best way in order to avoid conflict in the game? Starting out, I would not bring the nirnroots or jazbay graqes to the Saretti Farm, because I think the Saretti's are a bunch of Dunmer brats, secondly, I have a feeling I would go to the alchemist's shack to make potions and such, it is a good area, seems to be pretty peaceful, and for me, the dresser in the shack will hold all the materials, and seems to stay there and not reset, I would like to consider growing nirnroots, the crimson nirnroots (to be in competition with the Saretti's!) Honestly, the perk given, Sinderion's Serendipity gets outweighed by the green thumb perk in alchemy, the serendipity perk only gives you a chance of making a duplicate potion, whereas the green thumb perk is a for sure thing, where you get 2 ingredients while harvesting the plants, the voice of sky perk seems to work pretty well, to keep most of the animals calm throughout game play, how I do it also, is going into specific areas, such as in between Rorickstead and Whiterun, then near Darkwater Crossing, then in the marsh areas, that has served me well in game play, so maybe I am answering my own question here, but maybe building up on illusion would calm them down enough for me to get away quick enough without killing them, alchemists are usually not known for fighting, so any ideas on how not to fight in the game? I know that sounds stupid, but I would like to have a peaceful game play in Skyrim