If the game had bullet physics like STALKER sniping would more challenging and fun. Gravity effecting the trajectory of bullets would mean having to aim above your target and you would have to lead your target if it is moving. I wish NV had combat as in-depth as the story because that would have made it the best game ever!
I was thinking of checking out STALKER, too. My sister's bf played it and he said that the original isn't all the great, but with the patch and the STALKER complete 2009 mod, it really cranks up the game.
Be prepared to not get shot like ever......
I don't have a problem with not getting shot. I have a problem with it being too easy to not get shot. Let me give you an example. Not too long ago, I replayed the original Splinter Cell. I usually get through that game without taking any damage (some levels without even being slightly detected), but it can be a bit of a challenge to find the right places to hide and the right paths to take to stay under the radar. The Thief series was the same way. I'd go through the games without taking a hit, but it took a lot of finesse and wit. I didn't have that experience with FO3. Not that I expected it to be designed as a sneaker, but I think I would have preferred it if the stealth system was more harsh. FOT is a good example of this. Stealth was invaluable for positioning my squad and taking advantage of the terrain, but I would have to be careful how I used it. If I got too cocky with a recruit, s/he would be detected and nobody else would be in position. For FO, I think it would go a long way if living mobs would recognize the fallen bodies of mobs I've taken out, and respond accordingly (not necessarily totally blowing my cover, but upping the stakes a little). I just started my first NV game, we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to it.