For the record, I never picked up any of the DLC like Blue Steel or whatever it was called, so I don't know if that would have made a difference. Long story short, I think DLC is a scam to pass off a medicore game on the market, and then milk a few extra bucks out of the consumer to make the game cool. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, f#ck that. In my day, games were cool right out of the box. Anyway, I did get some user-created mods (I'm playing on a PC) to help address some of the inadequacies of FO3, and a lot of those were pretty cool.
Regarding FONV, I thought I'd give it a chance because I heard Obsidian worked on it and a lot of those guys were from Interplay and BIS. They have yet to make something I don't like. I figure there's bound to be improvements with that crew on the job. I've already heard that there's a much better storyline with a more satisfying ending. More importantly, I heard they beefed up SPECIAL so that now it actually matters. On the other hand, I heard that this game is a fairly more linear, and with no play after the ending. I also heard that there's a lot less to explore and not as much is done with the space.
Still, I'm not discouraged. With FO3, the mod community was pretty active and my main question is if it is as active for FONV. The way I figure it, it's probably much easier for modders to design little side quests and whatnot to flesh out the space in FONV than it was for them to try to tweak all the lameness of SPECIAL in FO3. So, that is basically my question. I won't get any of the DLC, but can anyone tell me what the modding community is like on this game? Are there a lot of mods out there that can address what I want to have in this game? Thanks.