Thinking Of Using MGE

Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:19 am

I've never used MGE before, but i've recently looked into it and the graphics look amazing. Plus, I have a decent enough system to be able to handle good graphic (or maybe great ones). I was wondering if anyone knows of any conflicts with any mods i'm thinking of using or any advice they might be able to give me concerning any of these mods or MGE. I'm sure people have experience using MGE and something from this list.

001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm
_005_ Better Heads.esm
_006_ Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
_007_ Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
_008_ abotWaterLife.esm
_009_ MW_Children_1_0.esm
_010_ The Undead.esm
_011_ GIANTS.esm
_012_ MCA.esm
_013_ Book Rotate.esm
_014_ indybank.esp
_015_ House of Mannequins v1.0.esp
_016_ Well.esp
_017_ Gladiator.esp
_018_ AtmosphericSoundEffects-3.0-Tribunal.esp
_019_ Animal Behaviour.esp
_020_ dh_furn.esp
_021_ dh_furn_stores.esp
_022_ dh_homes.esp
_023_ dh_thriftshop.esp
_024_ abotWaterLife.esp
_025_ Telos Rin Graveyard.esp
_026_ Vivec Expansion 2.0.esp
_027_ WildDurzogs_easy.esp
_028_ Clean Tel Uvirith Rebuilt.esp
_029_ Nymeria's Monthly Respawn.esp
_030_ Nymeria's Faster Walk.esp
_031_ Blood Hunters MOD 1.0.esp
_032_ GIANTS Ultimate Control file.esp
_033_ WeatheredSigns.esp
_034_ Exile.esp
_035_ Suran_Underworld_2.5.esp
_036_ Unique Banners and Signs.esp
_037_ Better Bodies.esp
_038_ Elders of Vvardenfell.esp
_039_ Hungers 1.1.esp
_040_ Elders 0 Count NPC add-on (Trib & BM).esp
_041_ Windows Glow.esp
_042_ Red_Eyed_Skeletons_V_1.esp
_043_ Thirsk Expanded.esp
_044_ Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
_045_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_046_ Ald Redaynia Extended.esp
_047_ K_Potion_Upgrade_1.2.esp
_048_ PW_Cait_Moose.esp
_049_ Suran Extended Family.esp
_050_ House of Mannequins - Mistform fix.esp
_051_ Monsterous Variants - Purist.esp
_052_ bones.esp
_053_ Improved_No_Glow_v1-MW_Trib_Blood.esp
_054_ A_flock_of_seagulls.esp
_055_ Cait's Squirrels.esp
_056_ CS_Sound_CoinReplace.esp
_057_ Highly Advanced Clanfears.esp
_058_ Birdies by Cait and Leeloo.esp
_059_ Elders MCA Add-on v2.0.esp
_060_ Mournhold Expanded COM.esp
_061_ Clean Ebonheart Interior Expansion.esp
_062_ DM_DB Armor Replacer-Exp.esp
_063_ Particle Arrows.esp
_064_ Improved Caldera.esp
_065_ Vibrant lights 1.0.esp
_066_ Morrowind Crafting 2-1.esp
_067_ Morrowind Crafting Equipment.esp
_068_ Redaynia Village.esp
_069_ WhiteSuran.esp
_070_ Art Of War Museum.esp
_071_ CR Gnisis Expanded 1.0.esp
_072_ Dwarves! BB.esp
_073_ Dwarves! MCA addon v2.1.esp
_074_ UniqueFinery.esp
_075_ Hla Oad Expanded.ESP
_076_ Clean Ald velothi complete (finally!).esp
_077_ Better Skulls.ESP
_078_ Psy_DaggNecAmulet.esp
_079_ CD_ebonheart.ESP
_080_ Clean Atmospheric Balmora.ESP
_081_ CD_SadrithMoraDocks.esp
_082_ MW_family2_0.esp
_083_ Maar_Gan_Extended.esp
_084_ New_Skaal_Village.esp
_085_ The Neverhalls.esp
_086_ The Khuul Expansion.esp
_087_ Gondoliers.esp
_088_ GnaarMokExpanded.esp
_089_ Stjernen_Village.esp
_090_ Tel Nechim.esp
_091_ Clean Once in a full moons.esp
_092_ Red Mountain ExC.esp
_093_ Town Criers.esp
_094_ Dogs of Morrowind.esp
_095_ abotGuars.esp
_096_ Undeads arise from death 1.5.esp
_097_ llm-medium.esp
_098_ SG_werewolfclans.esp
_099_ Make_sure_you_check_this_esp.esp
_100_ MoreGems for MC.esp
_101_ The_Ebonheart_Well.esp
_102_ THTWG - Framerate Version.esp
_103_ Anya's Directions.esp
_104_ Windows Glow - Tribunal Eng.esp
_105_ Windows Glow - Bloodmoon Eng.esp
_106_ Quieter_UI_Sounds.esp
_107_ DX_WereCrocs.esp
_108_ Vodunius Nuccius Extended.esp
_109_ Z4K_Giants_AddToLev_Patch.esp
_110_ MCA - More Enemies.esp
_111_ Windows Glow - Raven Rock Eng.esp
_112_ Icy_Water.esp
_113_ The Sable Dragon.esp
_114_ icy_water_NOM_patch.esp
_115_ TownSounds.esp
_116_ Cairo Villa.esp
_117_ Book Rotate - Tribunal v5.3.esp
_118_ Book Rotate - Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
_119_ DagonFel_Well_v2.esp
_120_ Clean New Seyda Neen 1.5.esp
_121_ NOM 2.13.esp
_122_ MCA - NOM Patch.esp
_123_ Merged_Objects.esp
_124_ Mashed Lists.esp

This is a list from a previous saved game. I'd like to just use the same mods, and add MGE to it and start a new one. This is also the load order according to mlox. Any advice?

Edit: I forgot to mention i'm going to use a few mods made for MGE. I'll post the new list order when I figure out what i'm going to use.

Edit: I found the MGE topic on the Bethesda forums, which also linked me to the download site and a few sites with MGE mods. The latter site is old and seems outdated, with a few of the mods no longer available. Does anyone know a more compete up-to-date list of MGE mods I can find?
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:13 am

MGE doesn't conflict with any mod, because it isn't a mod itself. The only things made for MGE are mostly just shaders/blooms/etc... or the animated grass mod, or a few little mods like Close Inspection.
Maybe you mean MWSE mods? (which can be used with MGE's built-in MWSE)
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Post » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:33 am

Yeah, I probably misuse the term 'mod' quite a bit. Sometimes certain utilities ( I think that's what MGE would be referred to as) cause conflicts with certain mods for whatever reason. I was wondering if that was the case. I more or less meant creations that use MGE. I want to take advantage of that tool. A list of MWSE mods would be good too. I'd like to try to get more out of MW using these things. I've seen what they can do to the game, and I have a much better system than i've ever had.
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