The official http://s1.zetaboards.com/Feyfolken/index/ forum.
Now then, these are the official rules of the contest:
General Rules:
The story must be an Elder Scrolls fan fiction
The story must be between 1,000 and 3,000 words. We would appreciate everyone staying under 3,000, but you are allowed to go up to 3,200
The story must be original; that means it can't be a pre-made work
The story must not be posted anywhere else so as to preserve anonymity
The story must fall within the boundaries of the stated story starter
The Rating System:
Overall score is the sum of subscores divided by the total number of judges. Each story's final score is then added and divided by number of judges. The resulting over all score determines the overall winner, the subscores determine the "runners up," or winners in each category.
The categories are:
1) Creativity- Originality
2) Story- Development
3) Characters- Believable, with good interaction
4) Feel- Tone and how well it fits in Tamriel
5) General Impressions- Anything else, negative or positive; grammar, really good descriptions, very poetic description, etc.
Each subcategory will have a winner to themselves. The overall winner is decided by who has the best average of each element. The Judges will have their ratings using this system, then the general public will vote using the same categories, but simply choosing their favorite, General Impressions replaced with "Favorite Story". The general public's vote is to be submitted with a decent review (no one line critiques).
The current judges are:
Half Tooth
Burnt Sierra (Maybe)
Evil Pigeon
To apply:
Please send your story to me, Darkom, by PM or email, both of which can be found on my profile. If you need to get into contact with me, you can do it via PM, MSN, or email (though I would prefer the other two). Thank you.
The Deadline:
If you would like to discuss anything regarding this contest, feel free to do so here. If you want to inform me of your intention of writing, that can be done here as well. Thank you all once more, we couldn't do these kinds of things without people like you.
We currently have 5 stories in for judging