I read the IGN article, saw some new pictures, and am absolutely, positively ecstatic for Skyrim, but there's one thing that I still am dying to know. According the IGN article, Bethesda still has only shown anything pertaining to the 360 version. My problem with that is that I will not be playing the 360 version. I want to get a few screenshots and/or some in-game footage of the PS3 version and, out of curiousity, the PC version, as well. All I want is for the PS3 version to look as good as and perform as well as the 360 version (which I think looks amazing, by the way) and I'm worried that it may not. So, when do you believe we may some some screenshots/footage of the non-360 versions, why hasn't Bethesda shown such things already (I don't get it, what do they have to lose by doing so?), and do you think my fears are just the overly paranoid, irrational fears of a Skyrim fanatic (In other words, please help lay my fears to rest if you believe they are unfounded for and my own version will be just as good as the 360 version... or not, if you believe I do have reason to be worried)?
In a battle of raw stats, the PS3 is the better console, and this is coming from someone who does 98% of his gaming on Xbox360. Anything that can handle, the PS3 can handle. I mean, look at the graphical comparisons on any game almost that released on both. Call of Duty from MW2 on, Mass Effect 2 (in fact, ME2 has a different engine on PS3 from what I understand, and it's better than the Xbox version's), Oblivion on Xbox had Bloom, whereas PS3 had full HDR, even. The PS3 wins hands down in a hardware fight.
I wouldn't worry too much at all, my friend. Your PS3 will be able to handle it and then some, I'm sure. =)
EDIT: Side note, I mainly use Xbox for its titles. PS3 only has one exclusive I'm interested in, but Xbox has at least four. In case anyone wondered, lol.
EDIT2: I just hope they don't pull what they did with Oblivion and Fallout 3 as far as DLC. So unfair that you've gotta wait to get what the Xbox and PC got two months ago or whatever.