Ok i just thought i'd throw some things out i spotted in one of the GI video's.
"Behind The Scenes Of Skyrim" video.
Basically just want to encourage people to maybe have another look,see we could have missed something,or we could just speculate etc.
Anyway,i can't remember if anything i've spotted as been mentioned before.
So here goes.
At 1:50 in the video ( on the white board ) it shows "crafting". It shows a work bench...which is cool.
To the right of that it says: "player playing cool anims"....does that mean animations for cooking crafting etc? (anims - is short for animation? ).
At 2:47 it says: "Shor's *---------*....can't make out the second word....for those that don't know Shor= Lorkhan. Could he play a part in the stroy some how?
If you look at the meat todd points at ( 3:07 )....i know what they all are except one,at the top to the right......to me it looks like it says horse meat,not to sure.
Does that mean horses are definantly in ...if so?
Also shows concept of a child pulling a sledge ( 3:37 )....i mean a small child....not a child/young advlt-like in oblivion.
Is that an indication of proper children this time?
Also at 3:37 in the middle behind the lamp. It shows concept art of a creature ( at least to me ) looks like a cross between a mole rat and a nix hound.
At 3:45 it shows "Eye of nagnus" "3rd eye".....anyone know about that/heard of it before?
It also shows a head braclet... wonder if it's unique or another item/armour slot we have?
At 3:48 i can see what is either horkers or a walrus,maybe both.
Anyway,i just thought i'd throw that out there,see what people think.
Check the video's again,you never know what we may have missed

Also,i know it's only concept art,but it looks like we may have better variation on robes,staffs etc,this time around.
Some of that art looks great