» Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:02 am
Okay, so, I've never used JUST OOO and MMM, so I could absolutely be wrong, but I think perhaps you choose EITHER MMM.esm OR MMM for OOO.esm...
I don't see an MMM.esp...
I think Plugin Refurbish isn't to be used with the Unofficial Patches (again, don't use them, so I could be wrong... but I've looked at them, and I THINK I remember that).
It looks like you might want to use BOSS...
And with OOO and MMM, (and the multitudes of other stuff), a Bashed Patch might come in handy. Not sure it's required, I've not done much research into less-than-FCOM configurations :shrug:
As for the actual problem... the only thing I see at first glance that might muck around with legion AI and relations stuff is TheElderCouncil... try removing that and seeing if the problem still occurs.