Sorry, I do not have the means to provide evidence on this. All I can do is give my honest opinion/findings on the subject. You can take them with a grain of salt if you wish, but I assure you, I am not a conjurer of lies. I would not be in this thread, sharing my findings with all of you if I did not honestly believe that there was some sort of glitch/bug presence.
Now, hear me out, as this is my theory on this matter. Note, I am not a computer programmer, nor do I know a lot about game mechanics in general, but after pondering this issue for a couple days, this is what I've come up with:
As both archers and mages alike have been reporting this problem, it leads me to believe that this issue has to do with the fact that since the targets we're aiming at are at extreme distances, that they're not "fully" rendered into the game yet. The world of Skyrim cannot be all rendered at once, at it's extremely massive and complex. As such, only what you seen in front of you is rendered. That being said, these distant targets that are barely visible on our screens may not have their damage model rendered, only their actual physical model (if that makes any sense). This could be an area where Bethesda had to make "shortcomings" or adjustements to make such a highly detailed and complex game playable on the older technology that is consoles.
As I said, this is merely a theory.
Honestly, I've no doubt that the glitch is plausible, but Hilde's videos obviously show him missing constantly.. He maintains that this is a "glitch" even though it obviously isn't.. This is what makes me doubt the claims.. In reality, I just want to see this firsthand.. Like I said, if there is a glitch, I wish you all the best.. But at this moment, it seems unlikely.. It's just very strange how before, it was that the aiming was glitched, then the accuracy was glitched, and now the clipping is glitched.. It's kind of like each time a glitch is proven non-existent (either by proof of bad aiming, proof of more accurate longer-ranged aim at higher skill levels, etc) a new complaint arises.. Seems to me some are actually encountering a glitch, others are protecting their egos, and others just like to bandwagon complain.. I just don't understand why all these "glitches" weren't brought up at once, instead of after the prior being proved incorrect.. See my point?