Is this character viable

Post » Mon Sep 07, 2015 6:53 am

I thought of a character with a kind of strange skillset:

Race: Argonian

Major skills: Alchemy, Sneak, Block. Minor Skills: Speech, One-handed, Illusion.

Here is the perk spread for those who are interested:

Main shouts: Marked for Death, Drain Vitality, Become Ethereal, Unrelenting Force, Soul tear

Stone: Ritual Stone

Gear: Talos Amulet, Targe of the Blooded; Scrolls of Blizzard, Firestorm, Guardian Circle, Mass Paralysis; various daggers; longbow for poison delivery only. Robes with some armor and the dark brotherhood gloves.

The way I want to play this character is that every attack should be an epic kill shot. No constantly trading blows with sword and shield or shooting the same spell over and over again. Here are different ways to play: 1. dagger assassination. 2. drink a destruction potion then invisibility potion, walk into a room and set off either a blizzard or firestorm scroll. 3. mass paralysis, then stab everyone with poison. 4. Silent shout MFD, wait, then assassinate. 5. Against dragons use drain vitality with poisons that damage magicka and stamina. Etc, etc. etc. Of course these kind of plans don't always work- that's why the block skill is used, and Become ethereal is a defensive shout as well as the Argonian powers of waterbreathing (run away!) and regenerating health. Alchemy ties everything together being able to boost sneak, block and all forms of damage as well as all the needed poisons. Illusion is used just for quiet casting mainly for the use of marked for death. The Merchant perk is taken to be able to sell poisons and any loot for all the scrolls I want. Besides the muffle spell there's really no magic use except for scrolls. If things get tough I may pick up the paralysis staff or the wabbajack.

What ye think? Will it work as planned?

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