hmmmm ok, first, 1idea/solution: if someone thinks about a clan member is cheating, then i think this clan has to give an eye on him.
but 2nd: making a topic about XXX clan is cheating/ are cheaters/... thats really babylike. and (maybe i exaggerate) goes like "racism"
because thats the same if one of a nationality came bad to me and causes me in the wrong way to say f*** "nationality" ( however which nationality).
3rd: normally im silent cause i hate the stress reaction, but ok.... a
bout BORN77, well i dont think he cheats. and he is noone i know or talk or have fun with him like i have much fun with many QUIT-members (hyperenergy, raka, alperslanyk,...). though that i say i dont think he is cheating.
but PAHAN, sorry i am sniping too (and i know im not the best in aiming), know how to find, where to look enemies,... but he, let just for fun accept he is a perfect aimer (what i wont bet on it), but how often he locates me pretty fast coming out of corners (wall, trees, hills,...), even stealthed even in bushes,... and gets me.
about MAGICALGIRL: 1st, i want to see a girl having time for getting such skill
2nd, he seems pretty new in the clan, saw him just few times, cause this i dont say he is a cheater and dont say he isnt a cheater.
i know that u ANDREW dont cheat.
so: at all i talked about 4 OVER-members, i just say I THINK that ONLY 1 of them cheats. so I DONT SAY that all OVER-members cheating
for those i say they arent cheaters, i say that although im not friend with them (doesnt mean i hate them, just remembered their names, still now dont think we have problems) so i am neutral, no one can say to me YOU JUST COVER THEM CAUSE THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS