I run Morrowind in Ubuntu Linux using Wine, and it works perfectly. The problem I'm having is that although Westly's Master Head Pack is apparently loaded during the the game loading sequence, it doesn't appear to make any difference to the appearance of the characters. The only difference I've noticed is that if I run 'enableracemenu' in the console, there seems to be a much wider range of faces and hairstyles to choose from than before.
I've put the textures in the Textures folder, the meshes in the Meshes folder and the .esp file in Data Files. I haven't changed the folder structures, btw. I've checked the box alongside Westly's Master Head Pack in the Data Files section of the launcher and I've run Mlox.
I don't think the problem is caused by the fact that I'm running the game in Linux; I got exactly the same result when I tried installing WMHP in Morrowind in Windows XP. It seems to me that I've either not done something that I should have done, or I've done something wrong.
Can anybody shed some light on my problem, please?