It really seems to depend on the mood of the wildlife and NPCs. Sometimes the giants and mammoths realize the dragon is a big threat, sometimes they think you are the reason the dragon is there. Bandits tend to always go after me first but I have seen them switch targets after being set on fire. The funny thing is the dragon usually attacks all the wildlife first and then comes after you while a good chunk of the time the wildlife attacks you first and then goes for the dragon. So I let the dragon kill the bears and saber cats while I kill him. :celebration:
Thats what I hate... the Dragon will FLY ALL THE WAY OVER THERE after I just destroyed half of his health, to fight my horse?!? HE killed Frost my first time ever going up to Mount Arathor (Spell check?)...and I'm like "GUY...HEY...YOU, HEY! BACK OVER HERE! I...DONT INTERUPT ME WHILE IM SMASHING YOUR FACE IN! BAD! BAD DRAGON!"
-Frost has Died-
-Loads 3 word Shout I call it my .45-
"This shout is the most powerfulest shout in the world. It can take your head clean off your, with in all this excitement, I Cant' remember if I had 20 seconds or 30 seconds left on my recharge timer for shouts...Did he just use his shout 20 seconds ago or 30 seconds ago... so you gotta ask you feel lucky? Well...Do ya punk?"
I did the Autumn Tower Spot? Near Ivansgard/Town before High Hrothgar...I had to fight two blood that started attacking me and some Bears/Saber Cats near the Honeysomething cave/Just out in the open near the mountains..then as I was running away to get a higher shot on the dragon...the one from Autum Tower, Came down as well...this was a Royal Rumble or some [censored], I was hoping Tazz and JR with CM Punk and Jerry the King Lawler would pop up and commentate the match that was going down. The 4 on 2 fight of Myself, My Horse, a Cave Bear, and a Sabercat vs Two Blood Dragons. One went down quickly, the one from the tower (I could tell do to it having more health/not being hit quite yet) killed my horse, the bear, sabercat was about to die...I went up the tower stairs so I could get him to land/go berserk rage on him...he GOES Back to the Cave area where we started to fight to finish off the cat when the cat never touched him...
=/ When that [censored] landed...I dang near made him go down quicker then a five dollar hoe on OBT. (A Famous for skanks street in Florida for those of you who don't know what OBT is lol).