But, let's be honest. The only issue you face is which particular faction/race to roll - and most of the time the racial traits decide that.
The other issue is where to assign perks. And again, depending on what you roll determines where your perks go.
But, my opinion is that gaming companies are simplefying games to some extent, making it easier to play and attracting a larger player base. Those of us who are used to doing a lot of research before rolling a new character are becoming a minority, because a lot of players are married, going to school, have a job, and don't want to spend time reading a lot of data to make their characters viable.
I believe this started several years ago when Blizzard decided to remove defensive requirements from tanks in WoW. Those of use who had a tank, especially a prot paladin, had a large part of that game removed from play. It allowed players that had no business playing a tank to now jump in and lead others to wiping in dungeons/raids while claiming that it was the DPS or healers who screwed up, but not themselves.
I think other gaming companies watched that very carefully and are now following similar practices. Tweaking games here and there; I wonder where it will end.