I heard for quite a long time how great The Witch 2 is. So I played it this summer and found it pretty dissapointing.
The story is OK until the moment Foltest dies. From that point on the quality goes down and down.
Something about well Witches and finally a Dragon. I didn′t find anything interesting in The Witcher 2 plot.
I think it′s totally overhyped. Also it′s easy to let a game look dense if you have extremly small areas compared to an open world game.
After all I think the world in Skyrim is much more believable.
I respectfully disagree. The Witcher has a long history in the original novels by A. Sapkowski, which has some best real-life inspired lore I've ever read, mirroring both Slavic, German or Nordic mythology too.
And seriously, you can't compare the characters and story of TW2 to the half assed attemp in Skyrim and call it beliveable on top.
Does Skyrim's storyline have different non-linear paths with consequences, REALLY interactive gameworld or mostly shade-of-gray characters that follow their own agendas as opposed to Mr. McEvil who just wants to destroy everything (Hint: He's called Alduin)?
Bs froma skyrim defense member. The witcher 2 story and writing is strong from beginning to end and it blows away anything TES has done.....
Skyrim world more believable? ROFL, yeah the first small villiage has more atmosphere, life in TW2 then all cities in Skyrim... Everything you do has repercussionsm making the world seem connected. I love skyrim, but some things other games do WAY better, TEs tries to do many things but doesn't master any of them. They are exploration/dungeon crawling games.
Big cookie from me, since I agree with everything you've just said. :cookie:
The strength of TES lies in exploration and good old fashioned dungeon crawling, not writing or characters.
I was referring to the combat and character control. I always ended up either looking at my head or my crotch swinging a sword aimlessly at something I couldn't see.
It did my head in and I've not played the game since.
It just didn't capture me really.
Funny enough, I was reffering to it too, since the jerky cam, [censored] up targetting and such should have been already fixed in the newest 2.0 patch.