Is This Entire Mess Our Fault?

Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:30 pm

had we done nothing.........nothing would have happened.

worst case scenario is that the temple district in the imperial city and the 10 npcs that wandered around in circles would have been destroyed and a handful of daedra would be wandering just outside of bruma. considering that the interior bruma cell had around a dozen guards at least, even if they somehow managed to get into the city they wouldnt have lasted very long. and thats only if you played enough of the mainquest.

apparently in skyrim dragons are going to appear long before the end stages of the main quest. they will attack people randomly and will travel around. HUGE difference between that and some pretty looking gates and a couple of daedra that just sat around and smoked skooma all day. personally i think that mehrunes sent out the lazy ones just to get them out of oblivion.

Yup nothing would of happened except you know the world being destroyed by Mehrunes dagon No biggie though :shrug:
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Maya Maya
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:02 pm

Congratulations, you've noticed something about every "save the world" plot in every video game ever made, with very few exceptions. If you had done nothing in Arena then the Empire wouldn't fall apart. If you did nothing in Daggerfall then the Iliac Bay wouldn't erupt into wide-scale war. If you did nothing in Morrowind then Dagoth Ur wouldn't transform all of reality into an extension of himself. They didn't put a time limit on completing the main quest in any of the games.

The Eternal Champion, the Agent, the Nerevarine, and the Champion of Cyrodiil all unwittingly contributed to Alduin's return in various ways. In Arena, you reconstruct the Staff of Chaos and use it to destroy Jagar Tharn and return Uriel Septim VII, possibly weakening barriers between the worlds so that the Alduin aspect could get through. In Daggerfall you activate Numidium, and its divine nature disrupts time and causes the Warp in the West, possibly awakening dormant aspects of the Dragon God of Time. In Morrowind you sever the connection of four powerful beings to the Heart, possibly weakening the cohesion of the world itself. And in Oblivion, you assist Martin in shattering the Amulet of Kings, thus fulfilling and nullifying the Alessian covenant in one fell swoop, possibly weakening or destroying the Akatosh aspect in the process. They'll explain the details in Skyrim, of course, but all four of these things had to happen before Alduin could return.

not this time though. dragons will pop up randomly and attack random people. that is a big change from how past games worked as you pointed out. i cant play daggerfall or arena so i will assume that it was just like oblivion or morrowind in that regards.

its kind of like playing catch with an egg. no matter how many times you throw it back and forth the only one that gets messy is the person that drops it and gets splattered. CoC is THAT guy. he dropped the egg and this time around the game will actually have enemies that pose a real threat to most people (obviously except anyone in an interior cell).

gameplay wise this is a good thing, by the way, since it might actually put a fire under my feet to actually do something instead of scratching my head wondering what everyone is fretting about. :)
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:13 am

since alduin is akatosh or so ive been told. you can blame the whole freaking mess on the Champion of Cyrodil........thats right all you people reading this post now. its all your damn fault.

in oblivion had we done nothing all we had to deal with was mehrunes dagon and the oblivion gates. whoopedy doo! you could walk by any open oblivion gate and after you killed the ginormous army of 1-3 daedra have a nice quiet picnic and not have worry about a second wave of yet again 1-3 daedra for 3 entire days. thats the threat? really. there were small settlements that were within a stones throw of oblivion gates and yet those completely unarmed people were completely safe? :unsure:

im still no convinced they even burned kvatch down. chicago burned twice without the help of otherworldly forces so im thinking that some guards accidently knocked over some greek fire jars while they were juggling torches and since there happened to be an oblivion gate sitting outside of their city with a massive army of 1-3 daedra they figured they would blame them. get some baked goods from salmos and leave a delicious trail of muffins that the daedra will follow into the city. of course they told everyone to go into the chuch and not to come out so that they could do all of this without being seen. after my first couple of playthroughs i made of point of making the head guard guy unessential and making sure they all died.

honestly if you were transported to nirn as yourself with no reloads and no console cheats....which threat would you rather deal with?

since the CoC (a befitting name for our intrepid hero/moron) saved us all from the "horrible" threat of mehrunes we now have to deal with dragons that actually will move outside of a 20 ft by 20 ft movement box and will attack civilians at random locations and times. basically the CoC was a DiC (Doofus in Cyrodil)

Well done Kermy! Your play on acronym phoenetics had me :rofl: Additionally, I think the our role was minor, after all we can blame MARTIN he was the true CoC that like a DIC turned into a freakin' statue! :P

:thumbsup: for the cleverness of your post!
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Nick Swan
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:22 am

The daedric invasions were an accelerating crisis. If the game/hardware technology could've handled it we'd have seen conflicts on the scale of Helm's Deep or the Pelennor Fields (from the LoTR books/movies).

If it didn't seem bad in Oblivion, it was because Martin intervened before it got any worse.

Alduin is an inevitability in any case. The death/rebirth cycle archetype is very common in religion and mythology, and it is pretty much always regarded as necessary.

Very nice argument tho. :wink_smile:
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:00 pm

Every game creates the next problem for a new game, so imagine the implications of thwarting a god... EPIC!
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:22 am

Blaming a long dead hero for this is a little silly.

Not quite.

And anyways, the Nerevarine is immortal, can only be killed by weapons/magic.

And the Champion of Cyrodiil could be an Elf (whom are known to live for several centuries), and if Shivering Isles was done, is also the madgod.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:37 am

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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:51 pm

not this time though. dragons will pop up randomly and attack random people. that is a big change from how past games worked as you pointed out. i cant play daggerfall or arena so i will assume that it was just like oblivion or morrowind in that regards.

its kind of like playing catch with an egg. no matter how many times you throw it back and forth the only one that gets messy is the person that drops it and gets splattered. CoC is THAT guy. he dropped the egg and this time around the game will actually have enemies that pose a real threat to most people (obviously except anyone in an interior cell).

gameplay wise this is a good thing, by the way, since it might actually put a fire under my feet to actually do something instead of scratching my head wondering what everyone is fretting about. :)

You can't cite engine and design limitations as the crux of your lore-related argument.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:37 am

No, the whole mess is the Nerevarine's fault. He/she is the one who caused Red Mountain to be inactive by destroying the Heart of Lorkhan thereby allowing the Oblivion Crisis to occur which in turn allowed for the current state of affairs.

:P how does the absence of the heart of lorkhan trigger the oblivion crisis? I thought it was the lack of any heir wearing the amulet of kings and the dragon fire not being illuminated.
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:05 pm

It's not too late. Skyrim's NPCs will be safe as long as we just never turn on the game.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:30 am

:P how does the absence of the heart of lorkhan trigger the oblivion crisis? I thought it was the lack of any heir wearing the amulet of kings and the dragon fire not being illuminated.

Red Mountain was one of the towers maintaining the barrier between Oblivion and Mundus. With the destruction of its activation stone (the Heart of Lorkhan), the barrier was weakened and with White Gold Tower also inactive, the barrier was weak enough to allow Dagon to invade Mundus. The Nerevarine did part of the Mythic Dawn's job.
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carrie roche
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:58 am

The last 3 games are part of the prophesy that told this whole thing was happening. The heroes are just the unknown amoral adventurers who kept things from going to hell while they fulfilled the prophecy of the Elder Scroll.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 4:15 pm

No, the whole mess is the Nerevarine's fault. He/she is the one who caused Red Mountain to be inactive by destroying the Heart of Lorkhan thereby allowing the Oblivion Crisis to occur which in turn allowed for the current state of affairs.

All hail the Nerevarine, who has granted us 2 game sequels!
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jaideep singh
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 1:12 am

Red Mountain was one of the towers maintaining the barrier between Oblivion and Mundus. With the destruction of its activation stone (the Heart of Lorkhan), the barrier was weakened and with White Gold Tower also inactive, the barrier was weak enough to allow Dagon to invade Mundus. The Nerevarine did part of the Mythic Dawn's job.

Is that in a book or something? Because it sounds fascinating and I would like to read it. :D
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:25 am

*I hate being the last post on a page*
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:15 am

since alduin is akatosh or so ive been told. you can blame the whole freaking mess on the Champion of Cyrodil........thats right all you people reading this post now. its all your damn fault.

in oblivion had we done nothing all we had to deal with was mehrunes dagon and the oblivion gates. whoopedy doo! you could walk by any open oblivion gate and after you killed the ginormous army of 1-3 daedra have a nice quiet picnic and not have worry about a second wave of yet again 1-3 daedra for 3 entire days. thats the threat? really. there were small settlements that were within a stones throw of oblivion gates and yet those completely unarmed people were completely safe? :unsure:

im still no convinced they even burned kvatch down. chicago burned twice without the help of otherworldly forces so im thinking that some guards accidently knocked over some greek fire jars while they were juggling torches and since there happened to be an oblivion gate sitting outside of their city with a massive army of 1-3 daedra they figured they would blame them. get some baked goods from salmos and leave a delicious trail of muffins that the daedra will follow into the city. of course they told everyone to go into the chuch and not to come out so that they could do all of this without being seen. after my first couple of playthroughs i made of point of making the head guard guy unessential and making sure they all died.

honestly if you were transported to nirn as yourself with no reloads and no console cheats....which threat would you rather deal with?

since the CoC (a befitting name for our intrepid hero/moron) saved us all from the "horrible" threat of mehrunes we now have to deal with dragons that actually will move outside of a 20 ft by 20 ft movement box and will attack civilians at random locations and times. basically the CoC was a DiC (Doofus in Cyrodil)

Uhh we are doing [censored] till Arena , Reconstruction of the staff of chaos , destruction of the numidium, destruction of the heart of lorkhan and finally the destruction of the amulet of king / destruction of the bond between akatosh and the empire , (and the civil war in skyrim)

All that Awoken Alduin
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:27 pm

You're all wrong. If the Sribes that exist outside all of existence itself, aka Bethesda Land, never wrote the Elder Scrolls not only would the problems of Nirn not exist, neither would the people - the places - and the gods themselves. Had the code, erm...scrolls never been writen these poor souls never would have gone through the torment of being created only to be killed by various problems the Scrolls decided would be fun to play.

There is but one loop hole in this "game", if you will. And that is another Scribe, one that doesn't live in this mystical land called Bethesda. This scribe has managed to work themself in to what will be five major events in the TES universe. He creates an avatar every time, and through this body the scribe alters the path the world is set on. Things that shouldn't be possible, become possible. They hold what could be called a "construction set", and with this set of tools/powers, their very pressence on Nirn can alter the entire land.

It's been said that the Scribes at this "Bethesda Land", had plans in set that another scribe would somehow gain access to their world and change it. Derail it off their path. Yet they don't change their actions. It's almost as if they know and even benifit from another scribe gaining access.

So we come to the age old question. Why are we here? Would it be better not to be created at all? Would it have been better if we never came to be so we wouldn't have to deal with the pain of being mortal? Did these Scribes...these gods above the gods themselves, create the world simply to see what would happen? Do they let the other Scribe into the world simply to see what he/she does, or do they have another reason?

There's just so much that isn't known! These Elder Scrolls, is the reason each person sees something different when they read them because of the unique nature of the other Scribe? Is it because of him that Nirn is allowed to continue to exist?

And what of Parallel Universes? What if there was more than one of this other Scribe? Would this mean each Scribe enters into a unique world? If two scribes from outside Bethesda Land entered the same world, would that result in Nirn disolving and seasing to exist because of their unique abilities? (Ya, I just used lore to explain why there shouldn't be multiplayer.)

All that is known, is that after a certon point, these other scrolls lose control of their avatar and the Scribes at Bethesda Land return the world to what they believe it would be after the Other Scribe undone the danger they set in motion. Maybe, somday, we'll gain the answers we seak.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:07 am

since alduin is akatosh or so ive been told. you can blame the whole freaking mess on the Champion of Cyrodil........thats right all you people reading this post now. its all your damn fault.

in oblivion had we done nothing all we had to deal with was mehrunes dagon and the oblivion gates. whoopedy doo! you could walk by any open oblivion gate and after you killed the ginormous army of 1-3 daedra have a nice quiet picnic and not have worry about a second wave of yet again 1-3 daedra for 3 entire days. thats the threat? really. there were small settlements that were within a stones throw of oblivion gates and yet those completely unarmed people were completely safe? :unsure:

im still no convinced they even burned kvatch down. chicago burned twice without the help of otherworldly forces so im thinking that some guards accidently knocked over some greek fire jars while they were juggling torches and since there happened to be an oblivion gate sitting outside of their city with a massive army of 1-3 daedra they figured they would blame them. get some baked goods from salmos and leave a delicious trail of muffins that the daedra will follow into the city. of course they told everyone to go into the chuch and not to come out so that they could do all of this without being seen. after my first couple of playthroughs i made of point of making the head guard guy unessential and making sure they all died.

honestly if you were transported to nirn as yourself with no reloads and no console cheats....which threat would you rather deal with?

since the CoC (a befitting name for our intrepid hero/moron) saved us all from the "horrible" threat of mehrunes we now have to deal with dragons that actually will move outside of a 20 ft by 20 ft movement box and will attack civilians at random locations and times. basically the CoC was a DiC (Doofus in Cyrodil)

Without the Champion of Cyrodiil, Mehrunes Dagon would have succeeded and burned Nirn to ash. Thus, there would be nothing. Unless you wanted to play a dust particle in The Elder Scrolls V, I would say we made the right choice in helping Martin save the realm.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 7:43 am

No, it's not our fault. It's Alduin's fault for wanting to destroy everything.
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:05 am

Is that in a book or something? Because it sounds fascinating and I would like to read it. :D
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:52 pm

I think all the OP was making fun of was ridiculous way the Oblivion crisis was implemented in Oblivion. It was no threat at all. Just a few gates opening somewhere in the wilderness with two Daedra standing next to it, waiting for someone to come close enough. With the exception of Kvatch the cities were safer than Singapore and no one seemed to really care about the Daedra attack that never happened.

Cyrodiil during the Oblivion crisis seemed like a perfect place to live as long as you weren't stupid enough to get close to an Oblivion gate - fortunately you were warned long before you could see them by the weather change. So in conclusion it would have been no problem to just ignore the gates and the Daedra and live in peace and harmony till the end of days.

Instead of doing that the player closed the gates and now we have the events in Skyrim. With dragons capable of attacking cities and actually killing people. But it's not too late. Maybe we should just ignore the dragons this time and let them be, NPCs seem to have an unlimited amount of family members to replace them and buildings still can't be destroyed. It will look more threatening than Oblivion, but the result of their actions is the same (=none).

Who knows what the enemies in the next game will be capable of? Maybe they can destroy buildings and kill people with no relatives. That would be threatening.
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:12 am

Epic Thread is Epic.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 8:31 am

Next we'll find out that the dovakhin killing all the dragons starts to tear the world asunder and Skyrim is just a prequel to Nehrim.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:55 am

I'm not sure if I understand all this properly :blink:
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:23 am

As the Champion of Cyrodiil is now Sheogorath, I guess all is forgiven now... What's that? You caused Alduin to return and risk the world to be eaten? Sheo you so crazy.
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