» Tue Aug 23, 2011 5:27 pm
You're all wrong. If the Sribes that exist outside all of existence itself, aka Bethesda Land, never wrote the Elder Scrolls not only would the problems of Nirn not exist, neither would the people - the places - and the gods themselves. Had the code, erm...scrolls never been writen these poor souls never would have gone through the torment of being created only to be killed by various problems the Scrolls decided would be fun to play.
There is but one loop hole in this "game", if you will. And that is another Scribe, one that doesn't live in this mystical land called Bethesda. This scribe has managed to work themself in to what will be five major events in the TES universe. He creates an avatar every time, and through this body the scribe alters the path the world is set on. Things that shouldn't be possible, become possible. They hold what could be called a "construction set", and with this set of tools/powers, their very pressence on Nirn can alter the entire land.
It's been said that the Scribes at this "Bethesda Land", had plans in set that another scribe would somehow gain access to their world and change it. Derail it off their path. Yet they don't change their actions. It's almost as if they know and even benifit from another scribe gaining access.
So we come to the age old question. Why are we here? Would it be better not to be created at all? Would it have been better if we never came to be so we wouldn't have to deal with the pain of being mortal? Did these Scribes...these gods above the gods themselves, create the world simply to see what would happen? Do they let the other Scribe into the world simply to see what he/she does, or do they have another reason?
There's just so much that isn't known! These Elder Scrolls, is the reason each person sees something different when they read them because of the unique nature of the other Scribe? Is it because of him that Nirn is allowed to continue to exist?
And what of Parallel Universes? What if there was more than one of this other Scribe? Would this mean each Scribe enters into a unique world? If two scribes from outside Bethesda Land entered the same world, would that result in Nirn disolving and seasing to exist because of their unique abilities? (Ya, I just used lore to explain why there shouldn't be multiplayer.)
All that is known, is that after a certon point, these other scrolls lose control of their avatar and the Scribes at Bethesda Land return the world to what they believe it would be after the Other Scribe undone the danger they set in motion. Maybe, somday, we'll gain the answers we seak.