in oblivion had we done nothing all we had to deal with was mehrunes dagon and the oblivion gates. whoopedy doo! you could walk by any open oblivion gate and after you killed the ginormous army of 1-3 daedra have a nice quiet picnic and not have worry about a second wave of yet again 1-3 daedra for 3 entire days. thats the threat? really. there were small settlements that were within a stones throw of oblivion gates and yet those completely unarmed people were completely safe? :unsure:
im still no convinced they even burned kvatch down. chicago burned twice without the help of otherworldly forces so im thinking that some guards accidently knocked over some greek fire jars while they were juggling torches and since there happened to be an oblivion gate sitting outside of their city with a massive army of 1-3 daedra they figured they would blame them. get some baked goods from salmos and leave a delicious trail of muffins that the daedra will follow into the city. of course they told everyone to go into the chuch and not to come out so that they could do all of this without being seen. after my first couple of playthroughs i made of point of making the head guard guy unessential and making sure they all died.
honestly if you were transported to nirn as yourself with no reloads and no console cheats....which threat would you rather deal with?
since the CoC (a befitting name for our intrepid hero/moron) saved us all from the "horrible" threat of mehrunes we now have to deal with dragons that actually will move outside of a 20 ft by 20 ft movement box and will attack civilians at random locations and times. basically the CoC was a DiC (Doofus in Cyrodil)