my cousin had a code for the tribal Pack and i had the classic pack and i put both codes into my xbox.
wen i got onto new vegas it said new downloadable content added and it said classic pack and the tribal pack ok but then it said you must like make new acc to get these items well i did that just like my old account lvl 45.
only dffrence was the name was Trivium (good) insted of Trivium(which is my lvl 45
and i got my new special items.
then i got off and said ehh take to long to get to a lvl 45 again so got on to my lvl 45 acc trivium but i reloaded a save that was right when my chacter was passing out in the Bos bunker like 1 foot before he passes out i wanted to redo dead money for fun because i was bored and when i reloaded it i walked forward my chacter passed out and he woke up etc talked to him got a colllar on my chacter and then it said holorifle added adn then it said Classic Pack Has been added to your inventory then it Said Tribal Pack has been added to your Inventory?
im confussed because idk why it didnt give me that stuff before i passed out or why it didnt take affect till now because the add on specificly says new items can only be axsessed if you make a new account? so why did it add them to my lvl 45 too?.
And plus when i got these downloads truthfully i clicked later and i went to my lvl 45 and nothing happend so then THATS when i made the new accoutn saved went out and played my lvl 45 again because bored of lvl 1.
So is that a flaw in the dlc or game or what am i just dumb lol?