I would love to so in any future game being able to import your character and change to game from the choices they made last game like again)mass effect and ,mass effect 2.
That's not really possible, the book released last year suggests that there will be many years between TES4 and TES5. So when the TES5 story starts, the hero of TES4 will be dead from old age.
Well when in games your able to interact with your team mates and make choices that will change the game completely thats great. Game creators now aday are doing a fine job and are still improving all the time and if and if bethesda games gave you the ability to interact with your team and get into a relation ship i think that's great

Since when has there been team mates in The Elder Scrolls? There is no team, there is no relationship. For those things you need to play something else.
Please do not bring this up again. It has already been discussed to the point of being annoying.
Besides I think this belongs in the TES 5 suggestions thread: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1107672-tes-v-ideas-and-suggestions-173/
Indeed it does.