I saw this today in the Skyrim SE ''latest'' section of the downloads on Nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8219/?%C2%A0. From what I can tell it basically says you can now use practically any Oldrim mod with Skyrim SE by just downloading the BSA tool and following the instructions. Problem is I'm not real clear on the instructions. It seems like whomever wrote them English might not be their first language. Is it just simply saying to unpack any bsa with this tool and then drop the loose files into the data folder of Skyrim SE? and also just drop the .esp in the data folder? Has anybody else seen or tried this with success? It also seems to indicate that even SOME mods requiring SKSE are working with this method. If there is any truth to any of this I'd like to know from someone that knows more about this than I do and or has tried this.
(copied and pasted from instructions you get when downloading from the link above)
step 1: Download BSA Browser
step 2: Installation in any directory or in new folder
step 3: Download any mod with .bsa archive on TES5 Skyrim
step 4: Unpack .bsa archive in DATA folder in Skyrim SE
step 5: Installation .esp file in DATA folder in Skyrim SE
step 6: Activate mod in game
step 7: Playing and enjoy
Warning: mod could have .bsa archive(s)
Warning 2: some mods that need SKSE working, but not without bugs