1-Campaign way too short-They really should have made both campaigns a little longer or the stages a bit bigger.
2-Bot balance-It really doesn't matter on which side you're playing as...IMO YOU ALWAYS FEEL LIKE THE OPPOSITE SIDE ALWAYS HAS THE UPPER HAND AND YOUR BOTS ARE SIMPLY [censored].Yes I understand that Brink is mostly made to be played in Co-op with the entire team...but damn,balance them a little bit more.I have actually seen two of my bot teammates stand beside one another...STARING AT AN OPPONENT WITHOUT SHOOTING HIM!It's like they have no peripheral vision... -___-
3-Weapon Customization-I really think the add-ons they gave us for the weapons were too little =/ (Heres hoping for DLC >.<)
4-Online Lobby(XBOX360)-I think that this game being so "Co-opishly" made,it should have a better online lobby for people to join a game easier.
That's about it

As a Bethesda fan,I give Brink an 8/10
...but as a gamer,I give it a 7/10
Still a good game though ;P