Dead? No. I still find plenty of servers that are full of players.
Dying? Probably. You'd expect Brink to make the game die faster, but nope. I think it actually extended the life since people were dissapointed with it and just came back to or got into Crysis 2's multiplayer. I think Crysis 2's multiplayer will last up until November. Then MW3 will come out (i'm not buying it or playing it, but i know there will be tons of PC gamers buying and playing it even when they say "DERP IM NOT GETTING IT." Freakin' hypocrits), and Battlefield 3 will come out.
But seriously, Crysis 2 came out March 2011. If it dies in November 2011, that's like about 8 months or so of life in the game. That's EXCELLENT. How much life do you people expect in a multiplayer game? Years? Decades? The only games i can think of that have years of multiplayer life are Counter strike, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty 4, and MAYBE Battlefield 2. Bad Company 2 is dead, Black ops is dead, and etc......most of these only games for fps are dead in about a year or less.
I personally played 2 months of crysis 2 and im done for the most part. Bad Company 2 lasted me about a month and stuff. I'm just waiting for mods now. In the mean time i have mortal kombat to play online