Is this game already dead?

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:25 am

game is dead.

just because there are a handful of full servers doesnt mean its thriving/alive.

I know that what you just said is pure **** but do you care to explain your definition of "alive game"? Since game which have people playing is not considerate as an "alive game", then what is "alive game" in your opinion?

Use ur imagination..
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:20 am

How about you use right to stfu ^^

If he can't make sense out if his own words then this is nothing more that deliberate troll.
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Ann Church
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:43 am

well put it this way, Crysis 2 is NOT doing as good as it should be?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:06 am

And thats a proper conclusion, because game isn't dead and that a non-disputable fact, but it could do better in matter of technical issues which have direct impact on amount of people playing game. Well for sure more people is playing after Crytek announced that they will be blocking accounts of people who cheat, and now people can report cheater with solid prof. I was playing like 1h ago and seriously something changed, while like 3 weeks ago it was hard to kill anyone and some strange things were happening, now taking people down is much easier o.O
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:23 am

Yes, the game is not dead yet but Im worried that it will be dead if Crytek wont fix some obvious problems.

This game should be Crysis.... CRYSIS... not just some ordinary FPS with nice graphics.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:29 am

Yes, the game is not dead yet but Im worried that it will be dead if Crytek wont fix some obvious problems.

This game should be Crysis.... CRYSIS... not just some ordinary FPS with nice graphics.

Its dead compared with other games out there..
You have to keep in mind when this game was released..
Bad company 2 has more players than this game and its over a year old.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:17 pm

Other games doesn't have anything to do with this game being "dead" or not. Until there are people playing this game it isn't dead and like i said it is non-disputable fact. Frankly if game have like 100-200 people playing it then we can say that game is dead, but C2 MP is playing thousands people so this game isn't even near to be dead.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:21 am

Other games doesn't have anything to do with this game being "dead" or not. Until there are people playing this game it isn't dead and like i said it is non-disputable fact. Frankly if game have like 100-200 people playing it then we can say that game is dead, but C2 MP is playing thousands people so this game isn't even near to be dead.
Well dead is relative, thousands of players, compared to other major fps ain't too impressive. The main problem is that this game isn't crysis, its a random sci-fi shooter given the crysis brand, Story is so bad and generic that replace the characters with any other sci-fi franchise and it'll still work. Open environments this is not.

MP is imo the game's only saving grace. Cloak n gun is quite fun and unique compared to other fps :D
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

Well dead is relative, thousands of players, compared to other major fps ain't too impressive. The main problem is that this game isn't crysis, its a random sci-fi shooter given the crysis brand, Story is so bad and generic that replace the characters with any other sci-fi franchise and it'll still work. Open environments this is not.

MP is imo the game's only saving grace. Cloak n gun is quite fun and unique compared to other fps :D

Being dead (or not) and being more or less impressive thats two different things =.="
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:32 am

i can still play the game on many servers. Not many really playing Capture the relay. But as always TDM is still full of happy fraggers. I wonder what will happen when the DLC is here and we need to pay 4 it.

The fact still is, that the way the pc version was handled and offered to the community, makes 1 wonder. I still can't understand how some1 from the Crytek organization made this go gold. Selling a game full of bugs and quick testing is a common thing latelly.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:06 am

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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:31 pm

It's rocking I play everyday for hours on packed servers !

Same here. There's tons of full servers every time of the day. I find it hard to find a server with an empty slot sometimes.

LOL, yeah sure dude. You must be a Crytek employee.

In reality, there are SOME servers out there with people on them and YES you can find some servers to play on. But the player count is dropping everyday and the number of populated servers continues to drop.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:00 am

It's rocking I play everyday for hours on packed servers !

Same here. There's tons of full servers every time of the day. I find it hard to find a server with an empty slot sometimes.

So whats your ping there on Antartica?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:28 pm

In reality, there are SOME servers out there with people on them and YES you can find some servers to play on. But the player count is dropping everyday and the number of populated servers continues to drop.

In reality you have your informations pulled out of your a...

One month ago there was almost no servers at night to play, now in middle of the night i am finding at least 90-100 servers running. I am playing from beginning at what i see is more people playing, and more server packed with people no matter when. If something, there is not less but more people playing MP.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:48 am

Maybe, I wouldn't know.

Crysis Wars is very much alive though!

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:14 am

well put it this way, Crysis 2 is NOT doing as good as it should be?^Up
And thats a proper conclusion, because game isn't dead and that a non-disputable fact, but it could do better in matter of technical issues which have direct impact on amount of people playing game.

X2 ... Well said.

nope m8 you are wrong... nano catalyst IS fixed and connection issues and unlock progress being lost is because some players play on UNranked matches and or have bad connections or proxy servers or something like that. Ive never had any problem with nano catalyst, connection issue or unlock progress... i didnt lose not even 1 XP because i follow the fixes that are posted on this server. just stop trolling and go away.
PS i noticed that repliers on this topic are all the same people who always say crysis 2 is dead... so from my point of view only hmm about 10 or 15 of u say that this game is bad and about 100k people say that this game is awsome so...

Well, that Nano Catalyst bug in single player is NOT fixed. So starting over is a real pain when you're trying to collect them.
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Danny Warner
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:39 am

Meh its mostly dead now.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:58 am

How about you use right to stfu ^^

If he can't make sense out if his own words then this is nothing more that deliberate troll.

the game is dead because there is a small player base, and its not going to grow. The game is dead because there is no community, no future, no competitive scene...

shall i go on?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:04 am

the game is dead because there is a small player base, and its not going to grow.
Obvious bs, since you are not magic ball which know future and there is already more people playing for example MP than 1 month ago. Also player base those are all people playing this game, which is thousands of people.

The game is dead because there is no community, no future, no competitive scene...
C2 community like player base those are all people playing this game and ALSO people who have interest in modding this game, or using CE3. And once again you are not a freaking magic ball so stfu already about guessing future lol.

Like i said earlier "game isn't dead and that a non-disputable fact" if you can;t process it, then i can't help you with your little retardness.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:31 pm

I don't think the game is dead. That guy who said it's not where it should be is right on.

Everyone who's saying it's dead...I don't blame you for being pissed at the state of things, but 2 months is just too soon to tell.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:52 am

the game is dead because there is a small player base, and its not going to grow.
Obvious bs, since you are not magic ball which know future and there is already more people playing for example MP than 1 month ago. Also player base those are all people playing this game, which is thousands of people.

The game is dead because there is no community, no future, no competitive scene...
C2 community like player base those are all people playing this game and ALSO people who have interest in modding this game, or using CE3. And once again you are not a freaking magic ball so stfu already about guessing future lol.

Like i said earlier "game isn't dead and that a non-disputable fact" if you can;t process it, then i can't help you with your little retardness.

What would make the player base grow? its done nothing but drop since release.

Sorry, everyone playing multiplayer isnt interested in c3 or modding. And your saying im making stuff up?

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:22 am

What would make the player base grow? DX11 and SDK on a way, and player base didn't drop your baseless trolling is annoying as fck.

I said people playing mp AND people who want mod game, as a two groups of people =.=" Basically anyone who is interested in this game or technology (which was used to make this game) is considerate as an member of Crysis 2 community.

Now stfu.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:54 am

Dead? No. I still find plenty of servers that are full of players.

Dying? Probably. You'd expect Brink to make the game die faster, but nope. I think it actually extended the life since people were dissapointed with it and just came back to or got into Crysis 2's multiplayer. I think Crysis 2's multiplayer will last up until November. Then MW3 will come out (i'm not buying it or playing it, but i know there will be tons of PC gamers buying and playing it even when they say "DERP IM NOT GETTING IT." Freakin' hypocrits), and Battlefield 3 will come out.

But seriously, Crysis 2 came out March 2011. If it dies in November 2011, that's like about 8 months or so of life in the game. That's EXCELLENT. How much life do you people expect in a multiplayer game? Years? Decades? The only games i can think of that have years of multiplayer life are Counter strike, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty 4, and MAYBE Battlefield 2. Bad Company 2 is dead, Black ops is dead, and etc......most of these only games for fps are dead in about a year or less.

I personally played 2 months of crysis 2 and im done for the most part. Bad Company 2 lasted me about a month and stuff. I'm just waiting for mods now. In the mean time i have mortal kombat to play online :P
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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:22 am

no but soon it will be, cheaters, inefective kick system, banning cheaters yeah right,
I play a game on lighthouse, someone comes from behind and tries to melee me and i wake up 2 feet in the air and i cant get back to the ground after 1 melee hit next 3 sec i am kicked from the server and 20000 xp from 5 games lost, because of a stupid bug... and a **** admin. And when i play a game when 1 guy boom i shot you or something like that flies around like superman 1 hitting the entire team.... we cant even kick him because 5 out of 10 dont even know how to vote... no admin no kick and he finishes a 5 minute game with 46 to 0
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:39 pm

not to mention the gamma burst and the following usual 30 sec timeout when if you are lucky you die just 5 times... the game freezes up but some players can still move and kill you... kinda fun being melee hitted 5 times in a row a real crackup. and the uberlag servers when the other one comes in and in 3 frames you are dead. And in killcam it shows the whole event ocurring in 6 seconds, the i hit and 5 meter long melee kills.... the lag shows him covering 5 meters and meleeing you and you cant even react. **** servers as hellll../...
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