Ive never had any problem with nano catalyst, connection issue or unlock progress... i didnt lose not even 1 XP because i follow the fixes that are posted on this server. just stop trolling and go away.
Yea, so let me rephrase it.:"Hello i don't have any problem with Crysis 2, since i don't, everyone else shouldn't have any problems. If you have(had) any problems you are just idiot/s".
Growp up already, if you are one of these lucky guys that didn't get a single bug/glitch until today, it doesn't mean that everything in this game is working as intended.
nano catalyst IS fixed and connection issues and unlock progress being lost is because some players play on UNranked matches and or have bad connections or proxy servers or something like that.
Playing in an unranked server, having a bad connection, or using a proxy shouldn't be the cause for losing unlocks, exp, perks or dog tags. You, me and most of the players in this forum payed 60 euros/dollars for this game, we have all the rights to complain if its not working like it should.
In conclusion, you probably lost dog tags, exp and god knows what, the main problem is that you are probably too blind to notice these things.
To get back to the main discussion the game is not dieing but from my pov, it seems devs are doing their best to make more players quit. The best examples are the Vote to Kick "feature" and the Map Pack. I'd buy the map pack if the current state of the game was decent, sadly its not the case.