The only way this game is going to get more content and patch fixes is if you stop complaining and promote the game. No game is going to be perfect upon release and you shouldn't expect it to be. They aren't going to be able to instantly be able to fix everything and complaining isn't going to get it done any faster. Making bad reviews, supporting pirated versions of the game because you think it isn't worth buying, and making stupid threads about how the game wasn't worth your money is only making them lose money and will eventually cause them to stop updating the game.
The game was obviously made for the consoles first but it's only been a month and they are already working on the PC exclusive DX11 update. They need sales to update and improve the game so tell your friends that it is worth the buy, make reviews that give good feedback on the game and not just mention some random bugs that they already announced they're working on. The more money they make, the better quality experience they can give, and the more chance of a Crysis 3 in the future.
That is also why they made the game for consoles as well as the PC. Doing so isn't selling out, it is allowing them to let more people experience the game and getting their name out there. Not everyone owns a gaming optimized PC but a lot of people own a PS3 or Xbox 360. If they sell well on the consoles, they can offer more updates for the PC. This game is looking great and I can't wait to see how it looks in DX11.
To Crytek, I love the game and you guys did extremely well with the maps for multiplayer. The nanosuit makes it a lot more fun than your basic FPS and the ability to move around quickly with high jumps and grabs just adds to the fun. The maps don't follow the stupid CoD formula and the potential for style of gameplay is fun to explore. For example, I'm trying to master sliding under bullets and shooting a player in the head. I hope to see you guys adding content and possibly more nanosuit perks.
My wall of text is complete and I'll see everyone online, through a weapon scope of course.