If this is a "PC game first" (Claims Crytek)...

Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:03 am


Then why...

Did it ever say "Press start to begin"?

Does it say to "Adjust my TV settings"?

Are the textures made for consoles?

Is the game not natively made in DX11?

Did it have auto-aim?

Are there only 2 suit modes (Crytek said it was because of the console buttons)?

If it was made as a PC game, why does it have all these things that make it look like the game was made with consoles in mind? The game seems to be made to serve console users. "Adjust TV settings"? TVs are usually used for consoles.

I'm not complaining about these small wording issues. I am complaining that while Crytek claims to make games firstly for PC users, the feel and wording of the game seems to be "console".

I'm also complaining because as we have seen, making the game firstly for consoles takes away from the PC version. I fully support reaching more audiences, but they should give every platform what it deserves. And that means focusing development on the best of the platforms, and then scaling it down for the lower platforms.



if this is pc first y dont i see a difference between pc and console version



Quote removed - The keyboard layout button does NOT show you a controller. The Gamepad layout does though.

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barbara belmonte
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:50 am

not only this, if u check the "keyboard layout thing, it shows me a controller, im like WTF

Added! Thanks.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:36 pm

Here's a pretty funny video that is Ironic now.

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Tai Scott
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:31 am

not only this, if u check the "keyboard layout thing, it shows me a controller, im like WTF

Well I hope Crytek are happy with their sales on PC because they could've improved them by a lot without that much of a big investment.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:03 am

Here's a pretty funny video that is Ironic now.


LOL they've been getting the 'fans reponse' for a long time now. And they ignored it.

Typical Crytek. Ignorant and indifferent as always.

[quote="Acerimmer1]Well I hope Crytek are happy with their sales on PC because they could've improved them by a lot without that much of a big investment.[/quote]

I know. It's so stupid. Like the console commands, it actually took MORE time to remove them (all 3400 of them), rather then just leaving the freaken things alone. Or including SB3. They already have it ready. Release it for God's sake.

Or textures. It takes more time to process textures, and optimize them lower quality etc.

It's super-****-easy to have a texture.pak for Extreme that has unoptimized textures. It's not like they care about the size of the game.
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:40 am

From what i've heared the pirated version was the one that had all those high end stuff inside including DX11 and Sandbox.

If they allready had a true PC version than why did they exchange it against the console version before release and the demo. And this is clearly the patched console version.
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:11 pm

From what i've heared the pirated version was the one that had all those high end stuff inside including DX11 and Sandbox.

If they allready had a true PC version than why did they exchange it against the console version before release and the demo. And this is clearly the patched console version.

Yeah. It doesn't make ANY sense. I think sometime between January and now, they switched their focus to consoles.
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Emilie Joseph
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:26 pm

The two suit modes is a little weird but at the same time it feels more fluid, like in Crysis 1, you really had to jam keys to be able to quickly do things like power jump, sprint to cover, then go armor, shoot two guys, cloak, flank, spring, power jump, armor kill 2 more guys...
After a while your fingers started yelling at you.

It honestly feels more fluid to me now....
But thats just my opinion, i mean heck i can barley play the game due to motion blur.
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:32 am

The ps3 also got shafted if you look at a post in the ps3 thread where it titles the LIES OF CEVAT YERLI.

I hope his game has **** sales XD
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Adam Porter
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:18 am

Lol, "If this is a diplomatic mission, then where is the Ambassador?" - Darth Vader.

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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:14 am

Wow disappearing post...
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:29 pm

Not only that but the game looks like **** compared to the first. Thats pathetic. They changed press start to press enter **** lol. All I can think while playing the game is "yea, this was made for the 360, plays like a console shooter"

And is crytek gay or something? where is the female suit voice from the first game?
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:10 pm

Not only that but the game looks like **** compared to the first. Thats pathetic. They changed press start to press enter **** lol. All I can think while playing the game is "yea, this was made for the 360, plays like a console shooter"

And is crytek gay or something? where is the female suit voice from the first game?

I think the voice is fine. I would like to be able to change it though.
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:06 am

Id sell my soul to ea for the female suit voice!
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:27 pm

really they focased on both pc and consoles. so **** stop complaining or dont even play it as easy as that
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:20 pm

really they focased on both pc and consoles. so **** stop complaining or dont even play it as easy as that

focused on both? aka all platforms? Then your not focusing

ROFL. wow.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:36 pm

More like fish eye view.

Yeah. You can see more, but everything is distorted.
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:42 pm

Totally agree with you. Crytek has ruind this game, and i regret using money on this consol ported ****!
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:27 pm

if this is pc first y dont i see a difference between pc and console version

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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:20 pm

if this is pc first y dont i see a difference between pc and console version


Wow! It's true! I don't even see a difference in the textures or ANYTHING! I'm adding this to the OP.
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Kortniie Dumont
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:31 pm

thanks frogging............they used the same textures on pc.........and as for fps.........thats the property of the hardware that can process more frames than crapbox
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:26 am

yup just increase the contrast and use bright static lighting and everybody thinks graphics are good
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:56 am

if this is pc first y dont i see a difference between pc and console version

On 8:03-8:27 & 5:56-6:20, i find console graphic looks more real than a PC , just because of collor correction+brigthness and contrast & Global illumination.
Still in shock after Crytek`s move , they left "us" PC gamers behind.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:30 am

From what i've heared the pirated version was the one that had all those high end stuff inside including DX11 and Sandbox.

If they allready had a true PC version than why did they exchange it against the console version before release and the demo. And this is clearly the patched console version.

Sigh that was the leaked version. There are two different pirated versions out. The one that we are playing, and the OLD build that was leaked before the PC demo. The leak has DX 11 FILES but it does not allow access. Likewise it has sandbox but it's useless for the final product.

So while you can download the leaked version. In all honesty it's miles behind even this **** final release. I played it myself and while it left me wanting the finished product because I thought the bugs were gonna be gone, it was still horrible. Now I kinda feel like I was jipped. They teased people with sandbox editor and DX11 but then removed it.

Maybe it was a **** you to the PC platform for leaking the version out? In which case I say, WHY THE **** DIDN'T YOU SECURE YOUR SERVERS? Leaks happen all the time. Didn't stop HL2 from achieving greatness. But Valve as a developer are in a class of their own. They are the best and probably only TRUE PC developer that is left in the business. Hell even dice has started selling out in all honesty. While not completely I fear they will completely shift focus soon. Hopefully after BF3 though.
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:54 pm

I doubt it was any sort of 'revenge' on the PC community. But if it was I have to say that's cyclic stupid. Let's wage war on our customers. That'll teach them.

Lest we forget that it was a single hacker from russia.
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