Then why...
Did it ever say "Press start to begin"?
Does it say to "Adjust my TV settings"?
Are the textures made for consoles?
Is the game not natively made in DX11?
Did it have auto-aim?
Are there only 2 suit modes (Crytek said it was because of the console buttons)?
If it was made as a PC game, why does it have all these things that make it look like the game was made with consoles in mind? The game seems to be made to serve console users. "Adjust TV settings"? TVs are usually used for consoles.
I'm not complaining about these small wording issues. I am complaining that while Crytek claims to make games firstly for PC users, the feel and wording of the game seems to be "console".
I'm also complaining because as we have seen, making the game firstly for consoles takes away from the PC version. I fully support reaching more audiences, but they should give every platform what it deserves. And that means focusing development on the best of the platforms, and then scaling it down for the lower platforms.
if this is pc first y dont i see a difference between pc and console version
Quote removed - The keyboard layout button does NOT show you a controller. The Gamepad layout does though.