The pretentious remake of System Shock 2? People are looking back on it not so fondly. Portal is universally acclaimed and opposition of is met with swarms of people who are fans going against it. Most people speaking against Bioshock garner maybe a small trashcan fire fight. Portal derision is an all out flame war.
Just because a game has a valid point to make, doesn't make it pretentious. It deserved all of it's acclaim, mainly because none of it praised the shooter aspect, which was one of the worst and most dated systems in recent memory. That it could still be so universally loved despite that, is testamate to it's strength in writing and atmosphere, and while it's differently overrated (What AAA isn't though?) I don't think it really had any unwarranted self importance.
No, that honor belongs to Bioshock 2. That was a pretentious game. Thinking just sticking you in a Big Daddy suit and giving you "teh uber leet powerz dawg", while cutting all the things that made the original great, was the way to follow the original, is pretentious!
Portal? Definitely a better game though. Combines Bioshocks Strength of writing, with some of the funnest puzzle based gameplay (Hell, gameplay period) ever. Portal 2 on the other hand, I fear for Bioshock 2 syndrome. A direct sequel to an innovative masterpiece is doomed for (relative) failure from the start. People are going to jump in with memories of Portal, and everything I've seen so far, seems like nothing more than fan service. Again, shadowing Bioshock 2's descent from the original.
Elder Scrolls games have never been a direct sequel of the previous. The game is always reinvented, for better or worse, you really get an entirely different experience, and that's why I feel Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, will still be the smash of the year. RAGE might be a contender too, there's a punishing lack of new IP's, so if ID, now under the Bethesda flag, can deliver something spectacular, even more so than Skyrim, I'm all for that.