I really like "fair" gaming, hard difficult seems as the name says "hard", unfair. Is medium difficult in F4 "fair"? Isn't fair shooting a guy two times in the head and he still breath.
I really like "fair" gaming, hard difficult seems as the name says "hard", unfair. Is medium difficult in F4 "fair"? Isn't fair shooting a guy two times in the head and he still breath.
*possible early item spoiler*
I use vats when Im close or fighting annoying things like dogs/bloat flies. Shotgun base is 45, 67 with 1 gun nut perk and a chamber mod (whatever its called) and rifleman makes it like 80. Sniper Rifle in .308 does even more. I always go for a powerful combat character, so I have 1 Cha (why talk when I can blow brains out?) I have 6 percepton, started with 4 and then the SPECIAL book in sanctuary plus the bobble head you get in the first quest makes 6. I do 1 lvl of rifleman, gun nut and scavanage/hut a lot so all my guns are fully upgraded (as high as they can be for a level 6 in Corvega) and i have plenty of healing food.
I've played these types of games for ages.... I approach the Corvega factory and Im like "hmm... def gonna be guards on the towers...*pull out sniper rifle* yup. Sniping time" I then circle the place from long range sniping. I move in with the shotgun and clear other close range. Inside Id initiate with blowing a head off with the sniper then moving in with the shotgun. Often they will come around corners to you, then vats and shotgun to the face close range. Turrets have a firing cycle... you just wait for its cooldown, step out and shoot, step back, repeat. I never charge in, I move slow and careful, often retreat and let them follow me to death.
I will say, Synths are much harder then raiders, thankfully. I still maintain raiders need a buff... afterall these guys make a living killing people...
I guess I'm one of those 'sissies', 'cause I play on the easiest setting. I'm old and my reflexes aren't what they used to be.
Like the guy said, I just don't buy anyone getting capped in the skull and continuing to fight, so easy's got that going for it.
For someone of my skills, very easy is still no cakewalk.
(I'm keeping an eye on the difficulty level, though - my weapons are starting to do more damage so I might have to crank it up)
As an older gamer myself, I concur. When you start needing bifocals to read, it's time to turn the game difficulty down and take your arthritis medication before starting an extended gaming session.
F4 does seem to throw out tougher situations, not least when I ran into a power armored Raider wielding a Fatman backed up by a turret at level 6, ouch......on the plus side I now have a fatman, no ammo though.
Really enjoying the new difficulty of the game. For once, radiation actually means something and adds another level to the difficulty. Ferals hitting you causing damage and radation damage means a lot. Not only are they hurting you but they're preventing you from getting back to full health right away. I'm liking this a lot
Hey, I remember that guy! Had to sell the Fatman to buy ammo for the sad peashooters I had tho.
Well it worked just fine in all the other games
I guess this is supposed to be more of a shooter.
The first ghouls were a shock.
Heck, the first radroach was a shock.
ermahgawd, i hadn't seen the ghouls move before i seen them in game. Very creepy. Its the damn molerats that spook me, they showed up when i was crafting and i freaked out and unloaded my shot gun into the ground...good thing dogmeat saved me.
I think the heal over time thing makes it more difficult (in a good way.)
I enjoy watching Jon's (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDYZxJE8kLZ-o6nL8E1bXdQ)
'You only live once' play-throughs of FO3 and NV on only one health bar (no healing).
I'll look forward to the FO4 play-through though I suspect it will be a short episode...
I love how they have completely redesigned all the enemies and gave them all unique attack characteristics.
Such an amazing change of pace between enemies
Me too.
I love how mole rats can pose a real threat in packs now that they can burrow underground.
Ran into my first mirelurk a little while ago. I panicked and threw a molotov and nearly killed myself.
I would've died if my dog hadn't been with me.
Are you guys all members of Bethesda's marketing department!? . . . actually making me think I need to get this earlier rather than later. Sounds like good stuff!
I'm new to the fallout series, playing on hard since the start and doing well. Those bloody bloodbug's [censored] me up, it autosaved just before 3 see me and I think I died 5 times before beating them.
I like how hard the game is now. Reminds me of the old days, getting destroyed by packs of little Geckos.
Remember to gear up before heading out!
I'm having fun on one side, but I can't get over how easy everything is.
After a certain mission I now have fat boy, a lot of unique weapons and 6(!) fusion cores.
Power armor is cheesy and most weapons are cheesy.
It's fun, but whoever compared Legendary Skyrim with survivor in Fallout 4 never played Legendary or was on serious drugs.
Shotgun and Sniper rifle are my friends, 10mm for back up.
But damn this game can be hard, even if your prepared; also why they hell everything is so expensive?
This game is definitely harder than FO3/FNV. Radroaches, molerats, and bloatflys all nearly killed me. I'm in Concord right now and having trouble with raiders, one of them threw at me a molotov cocktail and killed me in one shot.
I love the challenge so far, it's been a long time I wanted to chuck my keyboard out the window.
I'm going back in on an easier difficulty setting for a bit. At least until I've built some guns with real firepower.
Holy cow.