I love that even if you dismember an enemy they still come for you (though I'm currently hoping it's not just ghouls this happens too)
It's very rough on melee so far compared to the other games, seems like the game was balanced for ranged.
thats an understatment, what makes it even weirder are some of the things you can find in game
Legendary Tommy Gun with "Medic" as a property? what the heck? Im suposed to spray and pray hot lead and heal the enemy ? Im not even sure my companions would appreciate me shooting THEM with healing bullets, never mind the enemy. Im just hopenig this does not come in FATMAN variety or it might make fights down right idiotic
however Instigating on a high power sniper rifle?
Go visit
Was minding my own business doing an unrelated quest next door and decided to look around... Luckily I was wearing power armour and had some heavy artillery
Its funny you can absolutely troll DeathClaws with any ranged weapon as long as theres a car on the street or a set of stairs or inside a building.
Meanwhile melee gets 2 shot even in PA lol. Guess i'll have to reduce settings or play heavy weapons build.
just got destroyed by 3 bloat flies :/
I hate the freaking Mole Rats. Just casually walking along when suddenly I hear the sound of the ground erupting and an army of those ugly mother-in-laws swarming me.
Certainly a step up from FO3 and New Vegas in difficulty. Find myself in need of cooking food and making stimpaks alot, also ammo is pretty scarce as i am running on 1 luck atm. Helps that the enemy AI is pretty solid. Ghouls are the worst enemy yet, as i am a sniper and in tight corridors i am usually outplayed. I love their movement patterns and dmg output.
Ya it actually is I'm surprised, and I love it. Skyrim was too easy, I cranked it up to master and still blew through it but I'm doing fallout 4 on normal and its still pretty challening, thank you bethesda for not making it too easy.
I'm playing on survival and can certainly say beth has done much to improve the combat this time around.
Never felt like I was up against a sponge so far, nor am I invulnerable or getting locked into cheap sync kills.
The gunfight at the factory where the raiders are at the start was hell. Anyone else find it tougher to locate enemies and where they are shooting you? I just realized that many games nowadays have made us softer with the "see through walls" mechanic. This game is gonna give people a kick in the crotch difficulty wise.
Yep, I ended up just booking it out of there, I had lousy weapons, barely had any ammo left and there seemed to be a turret behind every corner, in addition to the raiders. Hopefully that settlement that needed my help with them will hold out until I get some decent guns and more than twenty bullets.
But overall, I like that it's hard. I had grown complacent in F3 and NV with their stimpack spamming and op armor, guns and companions - after Dogmeat got invincible via Broken Steel glitch, or I got the Boone + ED-E combo I barely did any work anymore.