A bug or two? A...bug or ... two? Are you kidding me. Litterally every single aspect of htis game is [censored] bugged. And thats just talking about the quest bugs. I could go into a list of other things that are bugged but those things are trully minor and insignificant. The quests...i ignored the first couple of quest bugs i had. But this one was the final straw. These people need to get off of they're asses and fix some [censored].
Not everyone seems to be having the same issues as you, and you haven't been the least bit constructive on your part on how to fix them.
If all you can do is "shout" at Bethesda and everyone else saying the game is broke and needs to be fixed, congratulations, you have added exactly zero to the premise of fixing said issues.
Go over to the tech support section, and detail what's wrong as clearly as you can, so that they know what needs to be patched. That is why tech support exists, and generally the first question that's always asked is "what exactly is wrong?"
Petulance does you no good in improving your experience, sorry.