Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild - Evil
I could see a hint of good in each of these.
The Dark Brotherhood as described by the guild leader is a place where outcasts from society congregate. These people were not accepted by society, just look at Veeras the Argonian. The guild leader had a terrible childhood that lead her down this path. The Dark Brotherhood is the only group that accepts people for who they are and doesn't discriminate amongst the racist population of Skyrim. The fact that the DB are the only non-racists make them somewhat good.
The Theives Guild doesn't kill people. They specifically tell you to refrain from killing. They just steal to make a living in a poor economy. Sure, they live a little more lavishly than a homeless man, but they would be fools to live a poor, degenerate life when they can take advantage of the Thieves Guild to have a good life.
Mage's COLLEGE ( no guild) and Companions - neutral bordering on evil.
Yeah, that's nice, except the part where you forgot to explain why. (Turning into a Werewolf doesn't make you automatically bad, especially when you have it under control and refrain from killing people. Some even are trying to get rid of it.)
* crickets chirping * - neutral bordering on good
- Good ( notice the void. It's like Sithis looped back around)
Again. The Dragonborn is good and so are the Companions, Bards college, and Mages guild. The Khajiits are also good fellows who travel in their caravans selling things for survival (supposedly a few bad ones ruined it for the bunch and got them a bad reputation). I believe the Argonians are good as well.