Kia Ora
the other thing that is strange to me is the fact that there's so much dark back stabbing and killing to the point
where your told to kill in cold blood at time,.. but the dead bodies all have ugly S*** coloured undies on and a bit of
flesh is held with utter horror, but the blood splatter of a cut sceen where a head is totaly removed in choice.
How it's not ok for the young to see what they know is normal as a human body goes but the gore of a brutal kille or
the hint of body parts being eaten is not a problem,.. I just don't understand this double standard. You can be a mad mainiac
murderer just do do it naked,.. totaly weird to me
Call it the hypocrisy of violence and sixuality.
On one hand, something we should remove entirely from our society (violence) to further our own survival, we embrace and in fact glorify it in movies, video games, and media in general.
On the other hand, human sixuality is treated as a complete taboo and the youth must be 'protected' in case they make rash decisions regarding their new found knowledge of the human reproductive system, even though it is a necessary aspect of the human race in order to continue surviving.
The true break between the two is that violence is a universally understood method of communication. Whether you physically assault a toddler or an octogenarian, both understand the concept of pain and both will react instinctually to avoid the oncoming assault. It doesn't take a complex physiological change at some point in life for someone to understand that they shouldn't force physical trauma on others. Therefore, even if we as a society embrace violent entertainment, we shouldn't fall prey to the temptation to engage in violence ourselves as we have long understood the exact nature of violence itself. However, there is an age where a person is completely cognitive and yet physically underdeveloped. From the time one begins to completely grasp language until the time in which puberty begins, there is no need to excessively emphasize the human reproductive organ. Thus, there is no need to go full frontal in media formats. In fact, I'd say it is much more realistic that all characters in game be wearing undergarments than not.