Except for the main quest it seems like everything in this game is positively evil or dark. There really are no positive story line quest to do, compared to say Oblivion. I't almost like the game reflects the movie/cultural landscape of when it was born. It has moved from moral gray areas to just plain dark.
Imperial/Stormcloak choice - neither side was "good" As it should be. However both are cast in a really negative light. Do we really need an allegoric pontifical image of US/Iraq in our virtual games?
Dark Brotherhood - EVIL by definition, but torture porm in the upgraded Sanctuary. REALLY? ( Hostel/SAW )
Thieves guild - Less of a social underclass mechanic and more like the Sopranos. Even after you cleanup the guild, its still a pack of spoiled rich kids picking on the poor. (Less Disappointed but still much darker than past TG )
Warriors guild ( Yes I know what they are actually called) - Brothers in arms and honor.... long as the coin is right. Oh BTW we are an evil pack of monsters... literally.
Where are the "white" quests? The ones where you battle the previously mentioned darkness? They do not exist or are exponentially shorter than the evil side (19:1 ratio for the Dark Brotherhood) Compared to Oblivion, it seems like this game is very dark and very "you will play this path". All of them are dark thus far. The only positive quests are simply radial quests that have no real impact on the "world" as a whole.
Since when did Bethesda start making game for dark emo kids that live in their parents basemant instead of advlts that have played and supported their company for decades? Am I missing a whole story line here or something? If not, poor form and poor writing on Bethesda's part. My wife and I played Oblivion gaining every achievement. My wife can't even finish half these story lines due to their juvenile and dark nature.