I am disappointed with the dialogue... and not just the 4 choice, voice over system.... but it just seems that I can't really TALK to anyone like you could in the old games. I can't tell you how many times I've come across something going on and there are no options to talk.. just the standard, "Hey there." "What's up."
Once I found a a group of settlers out in the middle of nowhere... thinking oh, surely this is a quest.. or they are going to or from somewhere. Or they were run off by nearby raiders. Something! Nope... they just walk on past me, tell me hey and continue on their merry way.
OR a little merchant girl with a giant military droid. No explanation, no reason, no discussion. Just tells me that the robot watches over her and do I want to buy something or not.
BLAH to your pitiful dialogue.
Otherwise, I've been pretty entertained by the game mechanics itself... just wish was more RPG in it.
How come Obsidian made NV and Beth made FO4? Are they going to do a switch off every time?