Some people need to learn to read a full post before commenting lol.
Clearly the newspapers are right about a decline in comprehension........
Personally I think the game looks stunning. Of course if you stop and zoom in on walls etc the textures are crap, but when you're actually playing the game and you cant see this, so why would it matter?
Hey everyone, any directions on how to install these?
Install what mate?
Maybe as a hook, but seeing as i'm trying to help people with my configs, i'm hardly a troll am I?
1 get some glases 2 hat stretch of land with nothing on it i have been playing 70 hours aint seen that part lol good find and 3 the graphics are top notch for console except for character models / faces and who cares when the fx are so good also your pcs svcks spend 4 grand on one then you get good fx here is what top notch games looked like in early 2000 lmao
1. Right back at you
2. The patch of ground was to show draw distance. Loads pretty much to the horizon.
3. My pc really doesn't svck.
You have to admit fellow forumers, the textures on the ground, the pixelated shadow and snow, and the texture of the ground in some placs is shockingly bad and takes you out of the game. If there weren't valid complaints then you guys wouldn't have to be here to beat down and oppress all who voice them :confused:
But when you actually play, and dont stop and stare at the ground, they look fantastic.
Agreed that shadows are annoying though. Almost managed to smooth it with my config, still not perfect though.
OPer... your PSOne graphics comment is a phenomenon known as
No, no, my good man; I meant it literally.........